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Coming Up: Rhino Awareness Days and Bowling for Rhinos – Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

Rhino Awareness Days World Rhino Day falls on a Tuesday this year, September 22, so the Zoo is going to celebrate Rhino Awareness Days, free with regular Zoo admission, the following weekend. From 10:00 to 3:00 on September 26 and 27, guests are invited to learn more about rhinos and how we can help save […]
Bowling for Rhinos What else can you do to help save rhinos? Go bowling!

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Youth Climate Action Day 2022 – Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

October 22 was Youth Climate Action Day, a day to celebrate all of the incredible ways young people are involved in environmental activism, as well as a day to remind us of what we can all be doing to better serve the environment. As we look ahead to how to create a healthier future for our people […]
I just couldn’t believe that I was so small and everything else was so big.

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A Day in the Life of a Cat Ambassador Trainer at the Cincinnati Zoo – Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

Happy International Cheetah Day! Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work in the Cat Ambassador Program? Let’s take a look at what a typical day is like for us and our animals during the Kroger Cheetah Encounter season! Every morning, we get in at 7:30am. It’s early, but the animals are ready to […]
cheetahs will have had the large yard overnight, so we will swap and give someone else

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Hippo Baby Blog #3: Little Hippo, Big Personality – Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

The last week has been especially exciting for #TeamFiona. We seem to have cleared the most recent set of health hurdles and are finally seeing consistent forward progress. Additionally, as our little girl feels better, the many facets of her complex personality are really starting to show! It’s especially fascinating to watch how the different […]
) and bumping her nose into bedding, stuffed animals, caretakers and everything else

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National Zookeeper Week 2020 – Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

The Cincinnati Zoo is one of the best Zoos in the country and that wouldn’t be possible without our amazing Zookeeper staff. The animal cares teams devote their lives to conservation and the animals at the Cincinnati Zoo. One of the most common questions they are asked is “how do I become a Zookeeper?” so […]
I’ve loved every minute of my work and can’t imagine doing anything else with my

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World Great Ape Day and the Cincinnati Zoo – Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

On Sept 9, 2017 the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden (CZBG) and conservation organizations across the planet recognize World Great Ape Day.  This charismatic group of primates has been part of our community throughout most of the Cincinnati Zoo’s long, rich history. CZBG has had the honor to […]
they have become excellent problem solvers since they cannot depend on someone else

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Celebrating Zoo Academy Seniors, Class of 2022 – Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

Did you know that there is a High School within the Cincinnati Zoo walls? The Cincinnati Zoo Academy has been a part of the public school system in Cincinnati since 1975. Students spend their ninth and tenth grade years at the Hughes High School. During their eleventh and twelfth grade years, they will spend part of each […]
always make sure I stayed after school to finish my work and don’t get distracted or else

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