Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: danger

Special issues – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

In 2009 the German magazine „Igel-Bulletin“ celebrated its twentieth birthday. On the occasion of this anniversary a selection of the most important and relevant articles from these twenty years was compiled on a range of subjects. We have translated the list of subjects and titles but all the articles are published in the original German. A
Disease Vitamin deficiencies in hedgehogs The danger of disease transmission

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Release – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

Sick and injured hedgehogs are found all year round, but orphaned hoglets are only found in summer. They must all -when they are fit again, or have grown up – „be released into the wild, as soon as they are able to survive independently“. (BNatSchG = German
If there is direct danger for life and limb in the place where the hedgehog was found

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Biology – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

Hedgehogs are crepuscular and nocturnal hibernating insectivores. In evolutionary terms, they belong to one of the oldest remaining forms of mammal. Their ancestors lived about 65 million years ago, and their appearance has remained unchanged for the last 15 million years. The hedgehog which lives in Germany is called the „brown-breasted“ or Western European Hedgehog, its
When in immediate danger or if touched, hedgehogs roll up with their orbicularis

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Museum Erinaceum – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

Pro Igel e.V. is planning a modern museum that will link hedgehog exhibits with information and education. The Museum Erinaceum aims to spread current knowledge about hedgehogs in general as well as how to protect and rescue them. Exhibits will include hedgehog art ranging from artistic to cute, from stuffed toys and the famous “Mecki”
Another focus will be to inform visitors about the habitat of hedgehogs and the dangers

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Living space – Pro Igel | Verein für integrierten Naturschutz Deutschland e. V.

Originally hedgehogs must have lived in woods with a diversity of natural cover which offered both shelter and prey items. They then adapted to changes in the countryside caused by human intervention. Good hedgehog habitat is very varied. Nest sites under hedges and bushes are just as
Look at the environment through a hedgehog’s eyes, read more about Dangers.  

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