Nemesis is a myth
Danger looms from out of space: asteroids and comets are a threat to our planet.
that Earth is periodically hit by asteroids or comets August 01, 2011 Astronomy Danger
Danger looms from out of space: asteroids and comets are a threat to our planet.
that Earth is periodically hit by asteroids or comets August 01, 2011 Astronomy Danger
information processing in animal groups occurs not only in the brains of animals but also in their social network
how groups of juvenile golden shiner fish (Notemigonus crysoleucas) respond to danger
Shambhavi Priyam of the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods is coordinating an information cam- paign in northeast India in order to protect people from arsenic-contaminated well water. She reports on culinary delights, the slow wheels of the Indian bureaucracy, and celebrating her birthday in the midst of a pandemic.
International Max Planck worldwide Internationality Post from India Danger
Researchers show that vocalizing in chimpanzees is influenced by social cognitive processes
Neuchatel show that wild chimpanzees from the Budongo Forest, Uganda, inform others of danger
The majority of vendettas originate within a group
But forcing cooperation in this way carries a danger – the punished individual may
Researchers show that vocalizing in chimpanzees is influenced by social cognitive processes
Neuchatel show that wild chimpanzees from the Budongo Forest, Uganda, inform others of danger
Während Fliegen Kohlendioxid meiden, nutzen Mücken den Stoff, um Menschen bzw. Tiere zum Stechen aufzuspüren. In der Evolution könnten bestimmte Gene eine wichtige Rolle dafür gespielt haben, dass sich dieser Unterschied herausgebildet hat.
Summary Insects use their sense of smell to find food, mating partners or to avoid danger
Hämatopoitische Stammzellen wandern vom Blut in ihre Nischen im Knochenmark, werden dort durch Integrinaktivierung sesshaft und können bei einer Tuberkulose zu latenten, langzeitigen Depots der infizierenden Bakterien werden.
Thus, they may be a continuous danger for an eruption of active tuberculosis but
As would-be criminals heed stay-at-home orders, major cities across the globe have reported a significant drop in both property and violent crimes. The numbers of burglary, assault, murder, robbery, and grand larceny cases have dropped following the outbreak of the pandemic. This is due to the lack of opportunities, and the recognition that life is worth staying away from the public for. But for many, we are living in an utmost dreadful time, and it is still not over: victims of intimate partner violence are likely to suffer more under a constant threat when staying at home together with their aggressors.
partner violence, and because such violence undermines the myth of the ‘stranger danger
Immune response depends on the distribution of plant and bacterial proteins
Their cells are supplied with receptors that detect danger, as well as a mobile crisis