Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: danger

Hippocampus erectus – Discover Fishes

Lined Seahorse Hippocampus erectus These specialized fish are poor swimmers and rely on their coloring and texture to camouflage themselves among coral, seagrass, or mangroves where they ambush much smaller prey by sucking them into their toothless snouts. They choose a mate for a season or
excellent camouflage, and their body structure of bony plates, they have little danger

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Wonder & Grow with Books Pt 2 – For Educators

Like many other white Americans, after the murder of George Floyd, I felt the immediate need to do something, anything to better understand and ultimately dismantle systemic racism. Many amazing books, documentaries, and podcasts have already been recommended across social media and if you Google “b
Many of this collection’s poets remind us of the danger or futility of drawing too

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Isistius brasiliensis – Discover Fishes

Cookiecutter Shark Isistius brasiliensis This small, cigar-shaped shark is dark brown on top and light on the underside, with a darker band around its neck. The light underside glows, attracting fish, whales, and sharks. It attaches itself to the prey and uses its serrated bottom teeth to cu
Danger to Humans According to the International Shark Attack File, the cookie cutter

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Florida Museum scientists zoom in on DNA to save thorny skates – Research News

With toothlike spines and barbs, thorny skates are just as sharp as their name suggests. But these shark relatives are far more mysterious than they first appear. Scientists at the Florida Museum of Natural History are using new genetic sequencing technology to understand why current management e
Unlike rays, however, skates lack stinging barbs and spines and pose no danger to

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Negaprion brevirostris – Discover Fishes

Lemon Shark Negaprion brevirostris The lemon shark is easily recognized for its two, equally-sized dorsal fins and its yellow-brown to olive color- an ideal camouflage against the sandy in-shore areas they prefer to forage in. Lemon sharks average between 8 to 10 feet long as adults, but are
Danger to Humans Lemon sharks represent little threat to humans.

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Carcharias taurus – Discover Fishes

Sand Tiger Shark Carcharias taurus Sand tiger sharks are large, slow-moving, coastal sharks that have a flattened, conical snout. They are light brown on the dorsal surface with some scattered dark spots, and light colored ventrally. They have broad triangular fins and a distinct caudal fin
Image © Doug Perrine Danger to Humans While these animals are not aggressive unless

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Carcharhinus limbatus – Discover Fishes

Blacktip Shark Carcharhinus limbatus This medium sized, stocky shark is dark grey to brown on top transitioning to white underneath. It has characteristically marked black-tipped fins. Blacktip sharks prefer to hunt small schooling fishes, taking out prey as they move quickly through the sch
Danger to Humans Records from The International Shark Attack File (ISAF) show that

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Somniosus microcephalus – Discover Fishes

Greenland Shark Somniosus microcephalus This large, heavy-set shark grows to an average 8-14 feet long but can get to be 24 feet. It has a short, rounded snout, small eyes, and relatively small dorsal fins. Although it is an apex predator, it is a slow swimmer, and likely ambushes its prey a
Danger to Humans According to the International Shark Attack File (ISAF) there has

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Beer for butterflies – Florida Museum Blog

Friends, beer and . . . butterflies? Is this how we do conservation now? Our scientists have worked hard to identify and study species at risk of extinction for decades, but they know it takes a village to pull them back from the brink. So, they got creative with beer and butterflies. Way bac
of fun talking to guests about the cool Schaus Swallowtail butterfly that was in danger

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Carcharhinus plumbeus – Discover Fishes

Sandbar Shark Carcharhinus plumbeus This brownish-gray shark has a recognizably large and triangular dorsal fin and somewhat long pectoral fins. It averages 6 feet long and about 110-150 lbs. True to its name, this shark prefers the sandy bottoms of coastal areas, and is known for seasonal m
Danger to Humans Due to its preference for smaller prey and its tendency to avoid

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