Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: danger

Native Hawaiian Snails – Rare, Beautiful & Fascinating: 100 Years @FloridaMuseum

The Hawaiian Islands once had over 800 different types of snails. Scientists estimate that nearly half have been lost to extinction in recent history, due to predation by introduced species and habitat loss. Summary Hawaiian Snails Carelia bicolor, Achatinella vittata, and Achatinella rosea
those, only 15 can still be found alive today and most of those are in imminent danger

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Amblyraja radiata – Discover Fishes

Thorny Skate Amblyraja radiata These cool-water skates have rounded diamond shaped pectoral disks with stout tails, usually muddy brown on top, and white underneath. They are named for the scattered thorny denticles along their spines, edges of pectoral fins, and tails, interspersed with sma
Danger to Humans There is little danger associated with the thorny skate.

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Five Facts: Sawfishes in Florida – Research News

Sawfishes live in coastal tropical and subtropical waters, including estuaries and river systems. Once ranging from New York to Texas, the smalltooth sawfish is now largely limited to the waters off the Florida coasts. With populations of sawfishes in decline, all information about these species is
They are in danger of extinction due to overfishing and habitat modification and

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The Adventures of Jenna and Mandy: Mission Impossible? – Invertebrate Zoology

Our mission, should we choose to accept it, will be to find the worm Chaetopterus pergamentaceus from its type locality of „Antilles.“ Armed with that informative location description (thanks, Cuvier), Jenna’s keen sense of worm-dar, and Google Earth, we gladly accepted the mission and headed off to
current, the right amount of protection from the waves, and, to add an element of danger

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Revising ‘Red Book of Endemic Plants of Ecuador’ – Research News

With an area about the size of Arizona, Ecuador seems small when compared to other South American countries, such as Argentina or Brazil. But what it lacks in land, it makes up in biodiversity. Deemed one of 17 “megadiverse” countries by Conservation International, Ecuador has the highest con
Hoping to bring attention to plants in danger of extinction, Florida Museum of Natural

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Crustaceans vulnerable as coral reefs decline – Research News

Nearly 150 million years ago, many ancient crustaceans went extinct following a massive collapse of reefs across the planet, and new Florida Museum of Natural History research suggests modern species living in rapidly declining reef habitats may now be at risk. Available online and scheduled to a
current rate during this century, then a few thousand species of decapods are in real danger

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Atlantic corals unique, cannot be replaced if lost – Research News

The discovery that many Caribbean corals are only distantly related to their counterparts in the Pacific Ocean makes the threats of pollution and global warming trends even more serious, says Florida Museum of Natural History Malacology Curator Gustav Paulay. Paulay, a member of the team that mad
The biggest danger is global warming, however.

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Excavation finds clues of cultural blending in Seminole Indian life – Research News

The remnants of an Indian village destroyed by war almost two centuries ago reveal the Seminoles were actually blending into the American melting pot before they were driven to the swamps of South Florida, say Florida Museum of Natural History researchers. In a search for clues to what life w
Warned of the approaching danger by a black ally of the Seminoles, the Indian residents

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Environmental archaeology receives NSF grant to curate specimens before data go ‘dark’ – Research News

The Florida Museum of Natural History’s Environmental Archaeology Program received a nearly $800,000 National Science Foundation grant to curate some of its most delicate specimens and vital data, documenting 14,000 years of biodiversity in vulnerable regions around the Caribbean. Environmental a
damaged material and digitize handwritten specimen labels and other information in danger

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Swimming With Sharks – Events

Whether you love them or fear them, this Children’s Book Meetup is sure to help you understand a little bit more about one of the ocean’s most well-known predators – sharks! On Saturday, December 5, 2020 the Florida Museum and the Alachua County Library District (ACLD) met to talk all things sharks
how they eat, the challenges they face, and whether or not certain species pose a danger

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