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Impact of model parametrization and formulation on the explorative power of electricity network congestion management models – Insights from a grid model comparison experiment |

Integrating increasing shares of weather-dependent renewable energies into energy systems while maintaining high levels of security of supply constitutes a challenge for system operators. The system integration of large shares of variable renewable energy generation requires an effective operation of electricity grids and efficient coordination among grid operators. Hence, the detailed modelling of grid operation has increasingly become important in recent years. Methods for modelling the operation of (extra) high-voltage grids are undergoing persistent enhancements in academia and industry. Existing approaches vary in data granularity and computational methods. Moreover, assumptions on technical details in grid models vary. The results are thus subject to differences in input data and modelling methods. The paper at hand aims to identify the most relevant differences that exist amongst grid simulation models and methods for studying congestion management in a European context. Differences are studied based on a comparison of grid simulation models from eight German energy modelling institutions. The effects of model parameterization and formulation on congestion management results are investigated based on three different case studies focusing on outage simulation, line constraint relaxation and the modelling of cross-border measures. Results indicate that data parametrization can have large impacts on model results with respect to congestion management volumes and the geographic distribution of the respective measures. The analysis also highlights the need to thoroughly calibrate key model parameters. The research findings will assist the grid modelling community and power system planners in simulating congestion management and increase the validity and explorative power of grid simulation models.
from a grid model comparison experiment 02.05.2022 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Geographies of Nuclear Energy. An Introduction. |

Published in: Historical Social Research 49 (2024) 1 Nuclear energy has long attracted the attention of scholars in the humanities and social sciences. With this HSR Special Issue, we would like to push the scholarly frontier by highlighting the geographies of nuclear energy in the past and present. Nuclear energy is inherently interwoven with geography. We argue that to fully appreciate and grasp nuclear energy’s geographical and spatial dimensions, approaches from a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary fields are needed. This special issue thus includes contributions from history, geography, political science, technology assessment, science and technology stud-ies (STS), and other fields. This article introduces this topic by outlining the state of the art of the geographies of nuclear energy and discusses different conceptual frameworks of how to understand nuclear-space interactions. In addition, the individual articles in this issue are briefly presented here and discussed within the research con
Twitter LinkedIn Publikationen Nukleartechnik & Anlagensicherheit Bücher

EU emissions trading in the buildings sector – an ex-ante assessment |

The EU ETS is one of the first emissions trading schemes in the world and has contributed to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the sectors covered by the scheme in recent years. The EU has adopted the introduction of a new, separate emissions trading scheme (ETS 2) for the buildings and transport sectors as well additional sectors. In our paper we estimate the impact of the new ETS 2 on the buildings sector. We calculate the greenhouse gas emission reduction in the year 2030 using an approach based on price elasticities. We further discuss the impact of the ETS 2 on cost-effectiveness of heat pump deployment in the EU Member States to outline an example of longer-term effects on investments. The results show that with a carbon price of 45 Euro per ton the impact ranges between three and seven Million tons of greenhouse gas emission reductions. Even with optimistic assumptions on the reaction of building owners, the overall contribution of the ETS 2 to meeting the EU target for reducing greenhouse
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Bottom-Up Strategies for Shared Mobility and Practices in Urban Housing to Improve Sustainable Planning |

Recent years have seen the development of numerous innovations in social, constructional, and transportation planning for different forms of communal housing. They illustrate how more sustainable practices in transport and land use can be achieved through the collective provision and use of space and mobility services. The question remains, however, of who needs to be involved in such bottom-up approaches and when in order to ensure their success. What changes are necessary to anchor these approaches in the wider context of urban and transport planning? This paper presents three examples of neighbourhood mobility concepts and the collaborative use of space and land. A research project accompanied the development of these concepts in a real-world laboratory design. The scientists used social-empirical methods and secondary analyses to evaluate social and ecological effects, economic viability and the process of joint development. The results show the high sustainability potential of such neighbourhood concepts: they enable residents to meet their mobility needs, while using fewer vehicles through shared use, reducing the number of journeys and changing their choice of transport. At the same time, promoting and developing community services has been shown to be inhibited by preconditions such as existing planning law. Opportunities and obstacles have been identified and translated into recommendations for action, focusing on municipal urban planning, transport planning, and the housing industry.
08.03.2021 Publikationen Mobilitätswende Ressourcen & Mobilität Bücher

Citizen-led decentralised energy futures: Emerging rationales of energy system organisation |

The current energy systems are undergoing fundamental changes driven by the climate crisis, unfolding digitalisation and increasing calls for a more active citizens‘ engagement. The impact of these ongoing trends on the future energy system, however, is far from straightforward. Although there is an increasing shift towards a decentralisation, it is not clear yet how exactly this new decentralised configuration will unfold and materialise. In this article we explore the rationales behind current trends towards a more decentralised electricity system. Given the developments in the electricity system, our study centres on emerging initiatives led by citizens and their values. Theoretically, we first mobilise the notion of socio-technical system as constituted and reproduced by actors, institutions, and technology, operating based on certain shared principles. We use this lens to describe the past and current energy system organisation. Secondly, based on two dimensions of value orientation and steering directio
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Publikationen Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Das Bundes-Klimaschutzgesetz |

Friedhelm Keimeyer veröffentlichte in der ersten Jahresausgabe der Neuen Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) einen Aufsatz über das Bundes-Klimaschutzgesetz. Der Beitrag ist ein Gemeinschaftswerk mehrerer Autoren und Autorinnen, darunter eine Referentin und ein Referent des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU), die mit dem Klimaschutzgesetz befasst sind. Er stellt die Kernregelungen des Gesetzes vor und diskutiert seine rechtliche und praktische Bedeutung. Der Aufsatz kann über die Website der NVwZ erworben werden. Dem im Dezember 2019 verkündeten Bundes-Klimaschutzgesetz kommt eine Sonderstellung innerhalb des Klimapakets der Bundesregierung zu. Als Rahmengesetz für die Klimaschutzpolitik legt es verbindliche Treibhausgasemissions-Minderungsziele sowie jährliche Budgets für einzelne Sektoren fest und sieht Mittel und Verfahren vor, um diese zu erreichen. Dazu gehören regelmäßige Klimaschutzprogramme, Berichte und Maßnahmen bei Zielverfehlung, die Einbindung eines unabhängigen Expertenrats für Klimafragen sowie die Vorbildwirkung der öffentlichen Hand. Dieser verbindliche Handlungsrahmen für den Bund ermöglicht eine bessere Steuerung der deutschen Klimaschutzpolitik und erhöht so die Aussichten, dass Deutschland seine nationalen und von der EU vorgegebenen Klimaschutzziele für 2030 und darüber hinaus erreicht. Nach Ansicht der Autoren stellt das Bundes-Klimaschutzgesetz daher einen Meilenstein der deutschen Klimaschutzpolitik dar, auch wenn einzelne Regelungen hinter dem möglichen Ambitionsniveau zurückgeblieben sind. Friedhelm Keimeyer hat zusammen mit Dr. Stephan Sina vom Ecologic Institut und Prof. Dr. Stefan Klinski von der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin das BMU bei Vorarbeiten zum Bundes-Klimaschutzgesetz unterstützt.
Bundes-Klimaschutzgesetz 15.01.2020 Publikationen Umweltrecht & Governance Bücher

Are economic principles a driver or a barrier for energy efficiency and climate policy? |

Economic principles are at the heart of key policies addressing or affecting energy efficiency. Minimum energy performance standards are typically based on an economic efficiency principle, where the ambition of the minimum requirements depends on economic costs and benefits. Examples from different governance levels include the least-life-cycle-costs approach in the EU Ecodesign Directive, the cost-optimality approach in the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and the German building codes, where the requirement for micro-level cost efficiency acts as barrier for setting more ambitious standards. Also, some public procurement approaches are based on economic principles, where requirements to include life-cycle costs and/or external environmental costs can provide a driver for the uptake of energy efficiency technologies. In view of the fundamental role of energy efficiency policy for reaching climate targets, this article addresses the question how innovative approaches to use economic principles in policy formulation can foster the deployment of energy efficiency solutions. To this end, we analyse different approaches for using economic principles in minimum energy performance standards and in public procurement processes, including the recently introduced requirement to consider the costs of climate action in Federal procurement processes specified in the German Federal Climate Change Act. We derive recommendations on how to use economic principles in policy formulation as a driver rather than a barrier for the deployment of energy efficiency solutions.
11.10.2021 Publikationen Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher & Fachartikel

Modeling flexibility in energy systems — comparison of power sector models based on simplified test cases |

Model-based scenario analyses of future energy systems often come to deviating results and conclusions when different models are used. This may be caused by heterogeneous input data and by inherent differences in model formulations. The representation of technologies for the conversion, storage, use, and transport of energy is usually stylized in comprehensive system models in order to limit the size of the mathematical problem, and may substantially differ between models. This paper presents a systematic comparison of nine power sector models with sector coupling. We analyze the impact of differences in the representation of technologies, optimization approaches, and further model features on model outcomes. The comparison uses fully harmonized input data and highly simplified system configurations to isolate and quantify model-specific effects. We identify structural differences in terms of the optimization approach between the models. Furthermore, we find substantial differences in technology modeling primarily for battery electric vehicles, reservoir hydro power, power transmission, and demand response. These depend largely on the specific focus of the models. In model analyses where these technologies are a relevant factor, it is therefore important to be aware of potential effects of the chosen modeling approach. For the detailed analysis of the effect of individual differences in technology modeling and model features, the chosen approach of highly simplified test cases is suitable, as it allows to isolate the effects of model-specific differences on results. However, it strongly limits the model’s degrees of freedom, which reduces its suitability for the evaluation of fundamentally different modeling approaches.
models based on simplified test cases 30.04.2022 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher