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The assessment of the regulatory and support framework for domestic buildings in Germany from the perspective of long-term climate protection targets |

In order to limit global warming to 2 °C, industrialised countries like Germany are obliged to de-carbonise their energy systems extensively by the middle of the century. The building sector – particularly the building stock – plays a pivotal role in the long-term climate protection strategies for Germany. Key control variables in this context are building standards, heat supply technologies and the sector allocation of limited renewable energy potentials. Based on existing normative long-term scenarios for the heating sector and using the residential building sector as a case study, this article assesses the current German policy framework for the building sector against the modelled long-term development needs. Published in:Energy Policy, Volume 59, August 2013, Pages 71-81
long-term climate protection targets 01.08.2013 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

State-Budget-Independent Support Instruments for Promoting Energy Refurbishment Measures in the German Buildings Sector |

This article describes and evaluates a number of different financial support instruments for the energy refurbishment of the building stock based on the example of Germany. The key focus is on policy instruments which are not counter-financed by public budgets or where, by other means, investment and planning security for investors is assured. Through such instruments the typical disadvantages of public budget-financed support programs (e.g. insufficient support funds, frequent changes to support conditions) should be alleviated. Five different policy instruments are examined in terms of their legal viability and evaluated according to functionality criteria. The article closes with a recommended time frame for the implementation of an effective set of policy instruments.
Publikationen Energiewende und Klimapolitik Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

The environmental impact of eco-innovations: the case of EU residential electricity use |

Even though environmental innovations are generally considered a key element towards a green growth strategy, especially for the case of energy efficiency innovations, the impact on climate goals has been subject to a long-running debate. On the one hand, energy efficiency innovations provide a huge cost-effective CO2 reduction potential. On the other hand, increasing energy efficiency implies cost reductions which in turn may lead to increased consumption due to the so-called rebound effect. Our study investigates the long-term environmental impact of energy efficiency innovations on the EU-27 residential electricity demand (excluding heating systems) using a detailed bottom-up modelling approach. Assuming a rebound effect of 10 %, we show that the diffusion of energy efficiency technologies with current policy levels provides savings of around 140 TWh and additional 270 TWh may be saved through additional policy measures accelerating the diffusion and development of new technologies until 2030. By contrast, assuming a (rather pessimistic) rebound effect of 40 %, the savings are reduced to around 95 and 180 TWh until 2030, respectively. We conclude that there is a clear case for ambitious policies to support energy efficiency innovations for the residential sector, which ideally should be complemented by measures to limit the rebound effect.
case of EU residential electricity use 28.09.2015 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Carbon Pricing and Complementary Policies – Consistency of the Policy Mix for Decarbonizing Buildings in Germany |

While it is widely acknowledged that carbon pricing plays an important role in driving the transition towards a low-carbon energy system, its interaction with complementary instruments is discussed controversially. The analysis of combining carbon pricing with complementary policies has been mostly focused on the electricity sector, while the role of carbon pricing in the buildings sector has received only minor interest. In view of the newly introduced carbon pricing scheme for the buildings and transport sector in Germany, we analyze the interactions between the carbon pricing scheme with the existing policy instruments and assess the consistency of the policy mix for decarbonizing the buildings sector. Our analysis finds that the introduction of carbon pricing has a reinforcing effect on the instrument mix and adds to the consistency of the policy mix. The results highlight the importance of complementary policies in order to achieve deep decarbonization in the buildings sector. We conclude that carbon pricing, preferably implemented as a tax with a predictable and increasing price level, needs to be supplemented with a powerful mix of complementary measures.
for Decarbonizing Buildings in Germany 01.11.2021 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Biomasse – für eine nachhaltige Nutzung endlicher Ressourcen |

Biomasse umgibt uns im alltäglichen Leben. Man stößt überall auf nachwachsende Rohstoffe in den unterschiedlichsten Erscheinungsformen. So gehören Nahrungsmittel genauso zur Biomasse wie Papierprodukte, Biokunststoffe oder Textilien. Auch die Bioenergie ist eine wichtige Nutzungsform der Biomasse, stellt sie doch 80 Prozent der weltweit genutzten regenerativen Energien dar. Der häufige Einsatz von Biomasse hat seinen Grund: Sie hat ein sehr großes Spektrum von Verwendungen und ist scheinbar unendlich verfügbar, weil sie nachwächst. Doch die vielseitigen Vorteile der Rohstoffe sind mit Vorsicht zu genießen. Der Anbau von Energiepflanzen zur Erzeugung von Biogas oder Biokraftstoffen verspricht beispielsweise eine Reduktion von Kohlendioxid in den Sektoren Wärme oder Verkehr. Er steht indes in direkter Konkurrenz zum Anbau von Lebensmitteln – in Deutschland und weltweit.
LinkedIn Publikationen Energie & Klimaschutz Ressourcen & Mobilität Bücher

Aquakultur – Fisch aus nachhaltiger Zucht (Englische Version) |

Fisch ist lecker und gesund – mehr als eine Million Tonnen des proteinreichen Lebensmittels konsumieren die Deutschen jedes Jahr. Besonders beliebt sind Lachs, Alaska-Seelachs und Hering aus mariner Fischerei. Doch Meere und Küsten weltweit leiden unter Überfischung. Zudem legen viele Fische, Meeresfrüchte und andere Fischprodukte eine weite Reise zurück, bis sie auf deutschen Tellern landen. Nachhaltig ist das nicht. Eine nachhaltige Alternative kann die Fischzucht in Aquakulturen sein, insbesondere, wenn sie ökologische Faktoren einbezieht. Bislang stammen nur etwa zwei Prozent des in Deutschland verspeisten Fischs aus heimischer Aquakultur. Und auch diese ist nicht immer nachhaltig. Welche Faktoren gilt es also zu beachten, damit die Aufzucht von Fischen regional, ökologisch und qualitativ hochwertig erfolgt?
Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Publikationen Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Data harmonisation for energy system analysis – Example of multi-model experiments |

A variety of models have emerged in the field of energy system analysis to answer a wide range of research questions centred around a sustainable future for the energy sector. Even models designed to address similar issues often have a different focus or modelling approach. Thus, model experiments are a vital tool to provide an overview of the range of models and enable decision-makers to make meaningful model choices. Such comparisons are executed based on a harmonised data set to ensure a high degree of comparability. In the MODEX project cluster, six model experiments, including 40 energy system models, were conducted, and efforts were made to harmonise the input data within the individual comparison and beyond them in the consortium. The experiences and findings of the consortium on how data harmonisation could be performed are presented in this paper. In particular, the focus lies on data transparency to ensure a high degree of reproducibility. A key finding is that while model heterogeneity complicates harmonisation, an early focus on data research and scenario design promotes the creation of a common data set. The metadata collection can provide a significant advantage for the use of model experiment results by external scientists and the data acquisition process itself because of the predefined machine-readable and standardised format.
Publikationen Energiewende und Klimapolitik Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Cost-efficiency of the EU Emissions Trading System: An Evaluation of the Second Trading Period |

Cap and trade systems are considered to be one of the most cost-efficient options to achieve emission reduction targets. This paper extends the literature on the evaluation of emissions trading systems (ETS) by providing insights into the methodology of the ex-post evaluation of cost-efficiency. Based on data from the second trading period of the EU ETS, this paper compares different settings for ex-post cost-efficiency analyses. A highly disaggregated base scenario reveals average cost savings from trade of about 865 million Euro p.a., an efficiency gain of 47% compared to the alternative policy scenario without trade. Sensitivity scenarios indicate lower efficiency gains in cases with higher sectoral and regional aggregation emphasising the importance of intra-industry and inter-country trade. Furthermore, assumptions regarding the abatement requirements under the alternative policy play a key role, along with the choice of marginal abatement cost curves. In line with ex-ante results from the literature, the backward looking empirical results of this paper uniformly support the theoretical cost-efficiency of the EU ETS. Published in: “Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy” Vol. 8, No. 1.
Publikationen Energiewende und Klimapolitik Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Coal phase-out in Germany – Implications and policies for affected regions |

The present study examines the consequences of the planned coal phase-out in Germany according to various phase-out pathways that differ in the ordering of power plant closures. Soft-linking an energy system model with an input-output model and a regional macroeconomic model simulates the socio-economic effects of the phase-out in the lignite regions, as well as in the rest of Germany. The combination of two economic models offers the advantage of considering the phase-out from different perspectives and thus assessing the robustness of the results. The model results show that the lignite coal regions will exhibit losses in output, income and population, but a faster phase-out would lead to a quicker recovery. Migration to other areas in Germany and demographic changes will partially compensate for increasing unemployment, but support from federal policy is also necessary to support structural change in these regions.
affected regions 28.02.2020 Publikationen Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Challenges for electricity network governance in whole system change: Insights from energy transition in Norway |

Once transitions progress beyond the start-up phase, niche technologies diffuse more widely to generate important knock-on effects in a focal sector. This entails a need for moving beyond niches to embrace a ‚whole system perspective‘. In the power sector, this perspective puts electricity networks in a more central position. This paper analyses how the governance of power networks is challenged by the energy transition. We integrate insights from network regulation and transition studies to propose a framework for understanding such challenges. With this framework we assess recent regulatory innovations in Norway. The paper shows how the regulatory toolbox can be amended to tackle innovation and transition. The Norwegian case shows that the regulator has taken up the energy transition challenges. It also shows the difficulties of making these new instruments effective, including the tension between a regulatory cost-efficiency focus on the one hand, and transformative change on the other. Published in:Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Volume 37, December 2020, Pages 318-331
Publikationen Energiewende und Klimapolitik Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher