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Increasing public support for climate policy proposals: a research agenda on governable acceptability factors |

Addressing climate change demands a varied policy toolkit, ranging from supportive measures to more assertive interventions. However, the latter, especially when impacting consumers’ daily lives, often face public opposition. Current research mainly investigates personal or country-level characteristics and personal perceptions that are beyond the direct influence of policymakers, offering limited insight into enhancing the acceptability of specific policy instruments within a given societal context. Acceptability factors that policy-makers can directly influence have received less attention and mostly in single-case or single-factor studies. This perspective article critiques the current state of knowledge and calls for a surge in research on ‘governable acceptability factors’. It introduces them as a key category for future research, proposes a definition, and outlines research needs and questions concerning four sub-categories of such factors: policy instrument characteristics, temporal aspects, actor invo
Twitter LinkedIn Publikationen Umweltrecht & Governance Bücher

Kunststoffrecycling in Deutschland: Herausforderungen, Chancen und Lösungsansätze |

Im Jahr 2021 fielen in Deutschland 5,44 Millionen Tonnen Post-Consumer Kunststoffabfälle an, von denen lediglich 33% recycelt wurden. Über die Hälfte dieser Abfälle wird derzeit verbrannt, was bedeutet, dass wertvolle Ressourcen ungenutzt bleiben. Die geringe Verwendung von Kunststoffrezyklaten in der Produktions- und Verarbeitungsindustrie deutet auf mangelnde (finanzielle) Anreize hin. Um das Kunststoffrecycling bzw. den Rezyklateinsatz zu fördern, werden verschiedene Maßnahmen vorgeschlagen. Dazu zählen produktspezifische Rezyklateinsatzquoten, polymerspezifische Substitutionsquoten und Zertifikatlösungen. Des Weiteren könnten Abgaben auf nicht hochgradig recyclingfähige Verpackungen sowie eine Verbrauchssteuer für Verpackungen den Einsatz unnötiger Verpackungen verteuern und den Einsatz von Rezyklaten fördern. Auch die Rolle des chemischen Recyclings wird in diesem Kontext näher erläutert und differenzierter in die Abfallhierarchie eingeordnet.
Publikationen Produkte & Stoffströme Ressourcen & Mobilität Bücher

Fossil fuel divestment and climate change: Reviewing contested arguments |

The strategy of fossil fuel divestment has attracted considerable attention in recent years, particularly in the press and social media. Spearheaded as a movement based on ethical principles, divestment has been suggested to play a potential role in shaping public opinion and policymaking on climate change. The growing size of the movement has prompted debate about the extent of its impact on fossil fuel companies and climate change mitigation efforts. This article investigates the potential effectiveness of the divestment movement according to the end goal of climate campaigners – to bring about a complete break from fossil fuels. We collect and qualify the key arguments as found mainly in the informal debate, and to a lesser extent in the academic literature. This will help readers to make an informed judgement that can contribute to a constructive debate about the effectiveness of divestment. We organize the literature into arguments for and against divestment, and explain how these relate to each other. In addition, we derive suggestions for further research on divestment.
change: Reviewing contested arguments 13.03.2019 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Averaging or multi-year accounting? Environmental integrity implications for using international carbon markets in the context of single-year targets |

Under the Paris Agreement, most countries have communicated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) with mitigation targets for a single year. Single-year targets present considerable challenges when countries use international carbon markets to achieve their NDCs. This paper assesses the environmental integrity implications of the two options that countries with single-year targets can use to account for internationally transferred mitigation outcomes (ITMOs) under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement: averaging and multi-year approaches. To assess the implications of these options, the paper considers a variety of scenarios for how two countries might engage with Article 6 and assesses how the choice of the accounting approach may affect aggregated emissions from the two countries. The paper finds that aggregated emissions could increase, decrease or remain unaffected, depending on: which of the two accounting approaches is chosen by the transferring and the acquiring country; whether the generation or use of ITMOs decreases, increases, or keeps constant over time; whether the countries’ emissions in the target year are representative for the countries’ emissions trend; and what course of action countries take in the case of a possible over- or under-achievement of their NDC targets.
single-year targets 19.12.2021 Publikationen Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

BHKW-Ranking: Pandemie verschiebt BHKW Projekte |

Bereits seit knapp 20 Jahren führt das Öko-Institut eine Umfrage unter den in Deutschland tätigen BHKW-Unternehmen durch. So wurden auch in diesem Jahr erneut gemeinsam mit E&M der Absatz für das letzte sowie eine Prognose für das aktuelle Kalenderjahr abgefragt. Das Ziel der Absatzumfrage ist es, die aktuellen Entwicklungen auf dem BHKW-Markt für die in Deutschland verkauften und die für den Export bestimmten Anlagen abzubilden. Das ist insbesondere wichtig, um die Bewegungen im Energiesektor in diesem Segment darzustellen. Durch die jährliche Durchführung der Umfrage zeigen sich zeitnah die Auswirkungen von Novellierungen des Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsgesetzes oder von Förderprogrammen wie dem „Zuschuss für Brennstoffzellen“ der KfW. Da die Registrierungspflicht in das Marktstammdatenregister von neuen und älteren KWK-Anlagen erst 2021 greift, können außerdem vorhandene Lücken in der statistischen Erfassung von kleinen Strom- und Wärmeerzeugungsanlagen geschlossen werden.
verschiebt BHKW Projekte 18.11.2021 Publikationen Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Enhancing transparency in the land-use sector: Exploring the role of independent monitoring approaches |

There is a need for independent monitoring approaches (i.e. unbiased data, tools and methods) that stakeholders involved in land-use sector mitigation activities can rely on for their own goals, but which would also be perceived as transparent and legitimate by others and support accountability of all stakeholders in the framework of the Paris Agreement Independent monitoring is not a specific tool, a single system or a one-serves-all approach. It is rather a diversity of approaches and initiatives with the purpose of increasing transparency and broadening stakeholder participation and confidence by providing free and open methods, data, and tools that are complementary to mandated reporting by national governments. We identify key elements of independent monitoring: transparency in data sources, definitions, methodologies and assumptions;free and open methods, data, and tools, which are truly “barrier free” to all stakeholders;increased participation and accountability of stakeholders;complementarity to mandated reporting by countries;promotion of accuracy, consistency, completeness and comparability of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission estimates. Independent monitoring should be considered an important mechanism for enhancing transparency in the land-use sector. Interested stakeholders can engage and benefit from independent monitoring approaches when starting to implement the Paris Agreement; we provide examples and recommendations as starting points.
of independent monitoring approaches 08.11.2016 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Advanced nuclear fuel cylces and nuclear waste disposal |

Proceedings of the INMM & ESARDA Joint Virtual Annual Meeting August 23-26  &  August 30-September 1, 2021. Extracting transuranic elements from nuclear waste (partitioning – P) to burn them in dedicated nuclear reactors (transmutation – T) essentially holds the promise of reducing the one-millionyear risk of highly radioactive nuclear waste disposal. That would solve one of the main conundrums of nuclear energy production. Here, we argue that P&T will not significantly change the safety requirements and risks of geologic disposal for spent fuel and high-level nuclear waste. We will assess the maturity of P&T technologies such as reactors, separation technologies and fuel fabrication plants. A sensitivity analysis will be presented on the time scale and effects of a P&T treatment of nuclear waste fuel cycle choices like fast reactor, molten salt reactors or accelerator driven systems. This will include an estimate of the number of required fuel cycle facilities, and the composition of the final waste stream, depending on separation and transmutation efficiency, irradiation and cooling down times and the build-up of problematic fission products with very long half-lives. We compare homogeneous P&T strategies with improved proliferation resistance and heterogeneous P&T strategies with different actinides being treated separately in a more flexible fuel cycle design.
disposal 01.09.2021 Publikationen Nukleartechnik & Anlagensicherheit Bücher

When less is more: limits to international transfers under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement |

International carbon markets can be an important tool in achieving countries’ mitigation targets under the Paris Agreement, but they are subject to a number of environmental integrity risks. An important risk is that some countries have mitigation targets that correspond to higher levels of emissions than independent projections of their likely emissions. If such ‘hot air’ can be transferred to other countries, it could increase aggregated emissions and create a perverse incentive for countries not to enhance the ambition of future mitigation targets. Limits to international transfers of mitigation outcomes have been proposed to address this risk. This article proposes a typology for such limits, explores key design options, and tests different types of limits in the context of 15 countries. Our analysis indicates that limits to international transfers could, if designed appropriately, prevent most of the hot air contained in current mitigation targets from being transferred, but also involve trade-offs between different policy objectives. Given the risks from international transfer of hot air and the uncertainty over whether other approaches will be effective in ensuring environmental integrity, we recommend that countries take a cautious approach and pursue a portfolio of approaches to ensure environmental integrity, in which case limits could provide for additional safeguards.
under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement 08.11.2018 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Double counting and the Paris Agreement rulebook |

The 24th international climate conference in Katowice, Poland, in December 2018 was a major achievement in the multilateral response to climate change. More than 190 countries managed to agree on nearly all elements of a comprehensive rulebook that puts flesh on the bones of the 2015 Paris Agreement. The rules require, for the first time, that all countries provide detailed information on their climate change mitigation targets and regularly report on their progress in implementing and achieving them. However, one important chapter is still missing: rules for international carbon markets discussed under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Competing views on how to avoid “double counting”—counting the same emission reduction more than once to achieve climate mitigation targets—were a major roadblock to reaching consensus. Completing the missing chapter on Article 6 will be one of the key tasks when countries reconvene at the 25th international climate conference in Santiago, Chile, in December of this year. We highlight why resolving double counting is critical for achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and identify essential ingredients for a robust outcome that ensures environmental effectiveness and facilitates cost-effective mitigation. Science  11 Oct 2019: Vol. 366, Issue 6462, pp. 180-183 DOI: 10.1126/science.aay8750 
counting and the Paris Agreement rulebook 11.10.2019 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Environmental integrity of international carbon market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement |

The Paris Agreement establishes provisions for using international carbon market mechanisms to achieve climate mitigation contributions. Environmental integrity is a key principle for using such mechanisms under the Agreement. This paper systematically identifies and categorizes issues and options to achieve environmental integrity, including how it could be defined, what influences it, and what approaches could mitigate environmental integrity risks. Here, environmental integrity is assumed to be ensured if the engagement in international transfers of carbon market units leads to the same or lower aggregated global emissions. Four factors are identified that influence environmental integrity: the accounting for international transfers; the quality of units generated, i.e. whether the mechanism ensures that the issuance or transfer of units leads to emission reductions in the transferring country; the ambition and scope of the mitigation target of the transferring country; and incentives or disincentives for future mitigation action, such as possible disincentives for transferring countries to define future mitigation targets less ambitiously or more narrowly in order to sell more units. It is recommended that policy-makers combine several approaches to address the significant risks to environmental integrity.
mechanisms under the Paris Agreement 21.09.2018 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher