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Is small beautiful? A framework for assessing decentralised electricity systems |

The German Energiewende (energy transition) has increased the degree of decentralisation in the electricity infrastructure. This article proposes a framework for assessing this technological development from an economic perspective as well as a social one. Four infrastructure dimensions are addressed: the grid level, infrastructure location, flexibility, and balancing generation and supply. Firstly, the impact of decentralisation on these dimensions is assessed concerning economic efficiency. The analysis shows that depending on the technological dimension assessed a decentralised electricity infrastructure has the potential to increase or decrease overall system costs. Secondly, the social perspective is operationalised through three forms of participation, namely procedural, democratic representative and financial participation. The analysis highlights the chances to increase participation through increasing technological decentralisation and points towards the important role of the project-initiating actors on the local level who decide whether options for participation are realised and in what manner. The article does not provide a final answer about whether centralised or decentralised electricity systems are preferable. It highlights the range of dimensions that need to be considered when discussing future decentralised electricity scenarios or making policy decisions. Published in: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Volume 118, February 2020, 109543
assessing decentralised electricity systems 17.12.2019 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Introducing the Open Energy Ontology: Enhancing Data Interpretation and Interfacing in Energy Systems Analysis |

Heterogeneous data, different definitions and incompatible models are a huge problem in many domains, with no exception for the field of energy systems analysis. Hence, it is hard to re-use results, compare model results or couple models at all. Ontologies provide a precisely defined vocabulary to build a common and shared conceptualisation of the energy domain. Here, we present the Open Energy Ontology (OEO) developed for the domain of energy systems analysis. Using the OEO provides several benefits for the community. First, it enables consistent annotation of large amounts of data from various research projects. One example is the Open Energy Platform (OEP). Adding such annotations makes data semantically searchable, exchangeable, re-usable and interoperable. Second, computational model coupling becomes much easier. The advantages of using an ontology such as the OEO are demonstrated with three use cases: data representation, data annotation and interface homogenisation. We also describe how the ontology can be used for linked open data (LOD). Published in: Energy and AI, 2021, 100074, ISSN 2666-5468
Systems Analysis 27.04.2021 Publikationen Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

How to include cooling in the EU Renewable Energy Directive? Strategies and policy implications |

The EU Renewable Energy Directive (RES-Directive) establishes a policy framework for the promotion of renewable energy in the EU. Under the framework of the RES-Directive, EU Member States have adopted national renewable energy action plans including sectorial targets for electricity, heating and cooling, and transport. While the RES-Directive outlines the methodology for calculating the renewable energy shares for electricity, heating and transport, it does not offer any indications on how to account for renewable cooling. Due to the lacking methodological guidelines, Member States can currently not report renewable cooling and cooling does therefore not play a role for target achievement. At the same time, the energy demand for cooling is growing rapidly and the inclusion of renewable cooling can potentially have a large impact on the renewable energy shares that Member States report. Based on an overview of available cooling technologies, this article explores various strategies for including cooling in the RES-Directive and investigates the impact on target achievement. We find that the potential impact of including cooling is considerable and conclude that ambitious minimum efficiency requirements are needed in order to maintain the ambition of the RES-Directive and to stimulate the development of policies to support low-carbon cooling technologies.
Strategies and policy implications 13.03.2019 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Identification of potential areas for biomass production in China: Discussion of a recent approach and future challenges |

A standard methodology is needed to recognize potentially suitable areas for sustainable bioenergy crop production. This facilitates better identification of promising crops and cropping systems, logistical and economic studies, and work needed to meet regulatory criteria. A possible approach is built upon three layers of internationally available spatial data: (1) degrading and abandoned areas, (2) potentially suitable land cover classes, (3) exclusion zones such as nature reserves and areas of high biodiversity. For China, areas identified as potentially suitable range from 1.2 to 6.0% of the national territory, depending on different levels of statistical confidence in degrading area status and allowable limits of terrestrial carbon. Verification on the ground showed that about 60% of points tested conformed to the remote suitability assessment in the scenario, which represents the results for the combination of all degrading areas and a terrestrial carbon stock limit of 200 t ha−1. A top-down approach is useful in framing potentially suitable locations, but a complementary bottom-up analysis is still required to ultimately identify areas for sustainable bio-fuel production.
Publikationen Energiewende und Klimapolitik Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Heating the Future: Overcoming Challenges and Gaining Stakeholder Support for District Heating Transformation |

Die leitungsgebundene Wärme (Fernwärme) spielt in vielen Studien und Szenarien zur Erreichung der Treibhausgasneutralität im Wärmesektor in Deutschland eine wichtige Rolle. In einigen Szenarien steigt der Anteil auf bis zu 30 % des Endenergiebedarfs für die Wärmeversorgung in Gebäuden. Der Ausbau und die Transformation der Fernwärme wird nicht ohne erhebliche Anstrengungen vonstattengehen; es bedarf eines durchdachten Vorgehens und geeigneter Maßnahmen, um diese Ziele erfolgreich zu erreichen. Technische und organisatorische Herausforderungen müssen ebenso angegangen werden wie die Sicherung der Unterstützung, die Förderung der sozialen Akzeptanz und die aktive Unterstützung der Gesellschaft durch die verschiedenen Akteure. Daher werden Barrieren und Lösungsansätze für die sieben wichtigsten Stakeholdergruppen analysiert, die vom Ausbau und der Transformation der Fernwärme in Deutschland betroffen sind. Darüber hinaus werden auf der Grundlage von Literatur, Interviews und zwei Stakeholder-Workshops Methoden z
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Governing Nuclear Waste in the Long Term: On the Role of Place. |

Published in: Historical Social Research 49 (2024)1 A major challenge in building and securing a repository for high-level waste is the long-time spans needed for site selection, construction, storage, and closure. Depending on the type of site selection procedure and the chosen repository concept, this can take decades or even more than a century. Even today, this applies to many places in all countries that have or are oper-ating nuclear power plants. These include the sites for interim or final storage or reprocessing. Over time, other places will also be affected during the site selection procedure and afterwards during construction and disposal. The processes will cause landscape transformations to a greater or lesser extent, to allow for activities including transportation and excavation. Nuclear waste governance is an extremely challenging and contested issue, starting with site selection, because nobody wants nuclear waste close by. Technologies and societies can change considerably over time.
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Governance-Ansätze für nachhaltige Transformationen auf dem Prüfstand dreier Praxisfelder |

Um die planetaren Grenzen einzuhalten, müssen wir viele Produktions- und Konsummuster grundlegend ändern. Die politische Gestaltung der notwendigen soziotechnischen Transformationsprozesse wird durch Unsicherheiten, Pfadabhängigkeiten, Ziel-, Werte- und Machtkonflikte ? um nur einige Steuerungshemmnisse zu nennen ? erschwert. Klassische Umweltpolitikinstrumente allein reichen nicht aus. Der Aufsatz präsentiert sechs aus der Transformationsforschung abgeleitete Governance-Ansätze, die in der praktischen (Umwelt-) Politik bisher noch zu wenig berücksichtigt werden, und diskutiert ihre Anwendung und Umsetzbarkeit anhand dreier konkreter Handlungsfelder: Mobilität, Landwirtschaft und Ernährung sowie Digitalisierung. Source: GAIA – Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, Volume 28, Supplement 1, 2019, pp. 198-203(6) Publisher: oekom verlag DOI: This article is Open Access under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY licence.
dem Prüfstand dreier Praxisfelder 02.09.2019 Umweltrecht & Governance Bücher

Gas grid regulation in the context of net zero transitions: A review of seven European countries |

This paper addresses the urgent need for reforming gas infrastructure planning in Europe to align with climate targets. Currently, gas grid development is reactive, driven by distribution system operators (DSOs), rather than proactively adapting to declining demand for fossil gas which is required in order to meet climate goals. Drawing on case studies from seven European countries, this paper explores gas grid regulation in the context of net zero. We find that current regulatory frameworks across many countries show a disconnect between infrastructure planning and the necessity to phase out fossil gas. There are, however, first steps being taken now to deal with the challenge of falling gas demand. We draw on those examples and develop policy recommendations for managing the transition away from fossil gas in a more coordinated and fairer way.
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Exploring Futures of Ecosystem Services in Cultural Landscapes through Participatory Scenario Development in the Swabian Alb, Germany |

Cultural landscapes are appreciated for the plethora of ecosystem services that they provide to society. They are, however, subject to rapid and fundamental transformations across Europe, mainly as a result of intensification or abandonment of land uses. Our objective is to assess the possible future drivers of cultural landscape changes and their likely impacts on ecosystem services provision as perceived by local actors. We present stakeholder-based scenarios for the Swabian Alb, a biosphere reserve in southern Germany, projected to the yr 2040. On their basis, we explore the possibilities and limitations of local civil engagement for landscape conservation and development in the face of increasing global influences.
Development in the Swabian Alb, Germany 17.11.2013 Umweltrecht & Governance Bücher

Facilitating energy sharing |

In principle, citizens in EU Member States can now choose from a broad range of renewable energy technologies to participate in the energy transition. Solar photovoltaic power has become the cheapest source of electricity generation in most regions of Europe. Households usually invest in renewable energy individually, unless they are part of an energy community. For middle- and highincome households, having the means and knowledge to benefit from solar panels on their own roof is achievable. But for vulnerable and low-income households, as well as for tenants and people living in multi-unit buildings, financial and technical barriers can make access to this cheap renewable electricity difficult. Against the backdrop of the recent energy price crisis, energy sharing could be a tool to help overcome inequalities in engagement in the energy transition and at the same time optimise the functioning of a flexible, cost-efficient renewable energy system. This brief focuses on the household perspective and compleme
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