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The macroeconomic effects of ambitious energy efficiency policy in Germany – Combining bottom-up energy modelling with a non-equilibrium macroeconomic model |

Energy efficiency is one of the fastest and most cost-effective contributions to a sustainable, secure and affordable energy system. Furthermore, the so-called “non-energy benefits”, “co-benefits” or “multiple benefits” of energy efficiency are receiving increased interest from policy makers and the scientific community. Among the various non-energy benefits of energy efficiency initiatives, the macroeconomic benefits play an important role. Our study presents a detailed analysis of the long-term macroeconomic effects of German energy efficiency policy including the industry and service sectors as well as residential energy demand. We quantify the macroeconomic effects of an ambitious energy efficiency scenario by combining bottom-up models with an extended dynamic input-output model. We study sectoral shifts within the economy regarding value added and employment compared to the baseline scenario. We provide an in-depth analysis of the effects of energy efficiency policy on consumers, individual industry sectors, and the economy as a whole. We find significant positive macroeconomic effects resulting from energy efficiency initiatives, with growth effects for both GDP and employment ranging between 0.88% and 3.38%. Differences in sectoral gains lead to a shift in the economy. Our methodological approach provides a comprehensive framework for analyzing the macroeconomic benefits of energy efficiency.
non-equilibrium macroeconomic model 01.04.2017 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

The Nagoya Protocol and the Diffusion of Economic Instruments for Ecosystem Services in International Environmental Governance |

In: Sebastian Oberthür und Kirstin Rosendal (eds), Global Governance of Genetic Resources: Access and Benefit Sharing after the Nagoya Protocol, Abingdon: Routledge, S. 132-157. In international environmental politics, more and morepayment schemes or markets for ecosystem services are introduced, changing the nature of governance. The paper explores and compares the following schemes: benefit-sharing on genetic resources under (a) the Convention on Biological Diversity plus its Nagoya Protocol and (b) the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture; (c) forest projects under the UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism and (d) the emerging scheme of ‘Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation in developing countries’ (‘REDD+’) under the UNFCCC. The analysis covers (a) the targeted ecosystem services; (b) the in-struments’ evolution; (c) the instruments as such, focusing on their economic nature and the transactions they induce; and (d) the instruments’ effects. The research is based on institutional and document analysis, expert interviews as well as a review of quantitative and qualitative data on instrument effects. In a concluding assessment the author compares the four instruments, helping to elucidate the particular features of the CBD/NP market. More generally, the comparison confirms those voices skeptical of the introduction of markets for ecosystem services; non-market-based payment schemes are regarded as less problematic.
International Environmental Governance 18.07.2014 Umweltrecht & Governance Bücher

Stories that Change Our World? Narratives of the Sustainable Economy |

Narratives are shaping our understanding of the world. They convey values and norms and point to desirable future developments. In this way, they justify and legitimize political actions and social practices. Once a narrative has emerged and this world view is supported by broad societal groups, narratives can provide powerful momentum to trigger innovation and changes in the course of action. Narratives, however, are not necessarily based on evidence and precise categories, but can instead be vague and ambiguous in order to be acceptable and attractive to different actors. However, the more open and inclusive a narrative is, the less impact can be expected. We investigate whether there is a shared narrative in research for the sustainable economy and how this can be evaluated in terms of its potential societal impact. The paper carves out the visions for the future that have been underlying the research projects conducted within the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funding programme “The Sustainable Economy”. It then analyzes whether these visions are compatible with narratives dominating societal discourse on the sustainable economy, and concludes how the use of visions and narratives in research can contribute to fostering societal transformations.
Narratives of the Sustainable Economy 04.11.2019 Umweltrecht & Governance Bücher

Building a database for energy sufficiency policies |

Sufficiency measures are potentially decisive for the decarbonisation of energy systems but rarely considered in energy policy and modelling. Just as efficiency and renewable energies, the diffusion of demand-side solutions to climate change also relies on policy-making. Our extensive literature review of European and national sufficiency policies fills a gap in existing databases. We present almost 300 policy instruments clustered into relevant categories and publish them as „Energy Sufficiency Policy Database“. This paper provides a description of the data clustering, the set-up of the database and an analysis of the policy instruments. A key insight is that sufficiency policy includes much more than bans of products or information tools leaving the responsibility to individuals. It is a comprehensive instrument mix of all policy types, not only enabling sufficiency action, but also reducing currently existing barriers. A policy database can serve as a good starting point for policy recommendations and modelling, further research is needed on barriers and demand-reduction potentials of sufficiency policy instruments.
sufficiency policies 04.07.2022 Publikationen Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Building a Common Support Framework in Differing Realities – Conditions for Renewable Energy Communities in Germany and Bulgaria |

The revised EU Renewable Energy Directive first introduced renewable energy communities into the EU policy framework and requires Member States to implement a support framework for them. Given the broad scientific evidence showing the benefits of community energy for a just energy transition, a successful implementation across all Member States is essential. However, the preconditions for developing support frameworks differ largely between EU nations, as some countries have long-term experiences with supporting renewable energy communities (i.e., Germany and Denmark), while in other Member States, renewable energy communities are notably non-existent (i.e., Eastern European nations). With the purpose of providing scientific evidence to support the development of a policy framework for renewable energy communities in Eastern European Member States, this article compares key factors for the development of such communities in Bulgaria and Germany, combining a literature review with expert interviews to collect primary information on Bulgaria. A country analysis puts these factors into the contexts of both countries, while a cross-country comparison demonstrates that there are significant gaps in the support framework of Bulgaria, although these gaps are, to a lesser extent, also present in Germany. We discuss these shortcomings, derive policy recommendations and identify further research needs.
Communities in Germany and Bulgaria 02.08.2021 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Bio-electricity and land use in the Future Agricultural Resources Model (FARM) |

Bio-electricity is an important technology for Energy Modeling Forum (EMF-27) mitigation scenarios, especially with the possibility of negative carbon dioxide emissions when combined with carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS). With a strong economic foundation, and broad coverage of economic activity, computable general equilibrium models have proven useful for analysis of alternative climate change policies. However, embedding energy technologies in a general equilibrium model is a challenge, especially for a negative emissions technology with joint products of electricity and carbon dioxide storage. We provide a careful implementation of bio-electricity with CCS in a general equilibrium context, and apply it to selected EMF-27 mitigation scenarios through 2100. Representing bio-electricity and its land requirements requires consideration of competing land uses, including crops, pasture, and forests. Land requirements for bio-electricity start at 200 kilohectares per terawatt-hour declining to approximately 70 kilohectares per terwatt-hour by year 2100 in scenarios with high bioenergy potential. Published in Climatic Change, pp.1–12 by Springer Netherlands
Agricultural Resources Model (FARM) 04.10.2013 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

100 Social Sciences and Humanities priority research questions for energy efficiency in Horizon Europe |

The launch of the European Union’s (EU) Horizon Europe programme provides exciting opportunities for Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) research to contribute to the fulfilment of the EU’s ambitious policy goals on energy and climate change. This report presents 100 questions that have been identified by experts as key priorities for SSH research on energy efficiency, in order to inform and support these goals. Foulds, C., Royston, S., Berker, T., Nakopoulou, E., Abram, S., Ančić, B., Arapostathis, E., Badescu, G., Bull, R., Cohen, J., Dunlop, T., Dunphy, N., Dupont, C., Fischer, C., Gram-Hanssen, K., Grandclément, C., Heiskanen, E., Labanca, N., Jeliazkova, M., Jörgens, H., Keller, M., Kern, F., Lombardi, P., Mourik, R., Ornetzeder, M., Pearson, P., Rohracher, H., Sahakian, M., Sari, R., Standal, K. and Živčič, L., 2020. 100 Social Sciences and Humanities priority research questions for energy efficiency in Horizon Europe.Cambridge: Energy-SHIFTS.
Energiewende und Klimapolitik Publikationen Produkte & Stoffströme Bücher

Enhancing transparency in the land-use sector: Exploring the role of independent monitoring approaches |

There is a need for independent monitoring approaches (i.e. unbiased data, tools and methods) that stakeholders involved in land-use sector mitigation activities can rely on for their own goals, but which would also be perceived as transparent and legitimate by others and support accountability of all stakeholders in the framework of the Paris Agreement Independent monitoring is not a specific tool, a single system or a one-serves-all approach. It is rather a diversity of approaches and initiatives with the purpose of increasing transparency and broadening stakeholder participation and confidence by providing free and open methods, data, and tools that are complementary to mandated reporting by national governments. We identify key elements of independent monitoring: transparency in data sources, definitions, methodologies and assumptions;free and open methods, data, and tools, which are truly “barrier free” to all stakeholders;increased participation and accountability of stakeholders;complementarity to mandated reporting by countries;promotion of accuracy, consistency, completeness and comparability of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission estimates. Independent monitoring should be considered an important mechanism for enhancing transparency in the land-use sector. Interested stakeholders can engage and benefit from independent monitoring approaches when starting to implement the Paris Agreement; we provide examples and recommendations as starting points.
of independent monitoring approaches 08.11.2016 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Deutschland sucht den Endlagerstandort – Konzepte und Stand der Entsorgung von Atommüll |

Fachartikel erschienen in vier Teilen in „sicher ist sicher – Arbeitsschutz aktuell“, Ausgaben September bis Dezember 2014. 1957 wird erstmals ein Reaktor in Deutschland kritisch, seit 1961 wird Strom aus Kernenergie erzeugt. Seitdem ist auf die Frage der Entsorgung der radioaktiven Abfälle eine Antwort zu suchen. Mehrere Anläufe ein Endlager insbesondere für die hochradioaktiven Abfälle zu finden, blieben erfolglos. Die Gründe sind vielschichtig, einer ist sicherlich die fehlende Akzeptanz in der Bevölkerung wie das Beispiel Gorleben zeigt. Mit dem 2013 verabschiedeten Standortauswahlgesetz wurde ein neuer Versuch gestartet. Erstmals wurde im breiten parteipolitischen Konsens ein Verfahren in einem Gesetz verankert, das ausgehend von einer „weißen Landkarte“ stufenweise zu einem Endlagerstandort führen soll. Der Artikel, der in vier Teilen erschienen ist, soll in das Thema einführen. Aufgrund der komplexen Thematik können viele Themen allerdings nur angerissen werden. Eine Auseinandersetzung damit ist aber wichtig, da die Endlagerung eine breite Öffentlichkeit über lange Zeit betreffen wird. Die einzelnen Teile des Fachartikels können unter kostenpflichtig heruntergeladen werden: Ausgabe 09/2014: Teil 1 – Radioaktive Abfälle – Entstehung, Arten und Mengen und Diskutierte Alternativen zur Endlagerung. Ausgabe 10/2014: Teil 2 – Endlagerung – Konzept, Risiken und Langzeitsicherheit. Ausgabe 11/2014: Teil 3 – Die Suche nach einem Endlagerstandort, Historie. Ausgabe 12/2014: Teil 4 – Das Standortauswahlgesetz 2013 und Ausblick.
Entsorgung von Atommüll 01.09.2014 Nukleartechnik & Anlagensicherheit Bücher

Is small beautiful? A framework for assessing decentralised electricity systems |

The German Energiewende (energy transition) has increased the degree of decentralisation in the electricity infrastructure. This article proposes a framework for assessing this technological development from an economic perspective as well as a social one. Four infrastructure dimensions are addressed: the grid level, infrastructure location, flexibility, and balancing generation and supply. Firstly, the impact of decentralisation on these dimensions is assessed concerning economic efficiency. The analysis shows that depending on the technological dimension assessed a decentralised electricity infrastructure has the potential to increase or decrease overall system costs. Secondly, the social perspective is operationalised through three forms of participation, namely procedural, democratic representative and financial participation. The analysis highlights the chances to increase participation through increasing technological decentralisation and points towards the important role of the project-initiating actors on the local level who decide whether options for participation are realised and in what manner. The article does not provide a final answer about whether centralised or decentralised electricity systems are preferable. It highlights the range of dimensions that need to be considered when discussing future decentralised electricity scenarios or making policy decisions. Published in: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Volume 118, February 2020, 109543
assessing decentralised electricity systems 17.12.2019 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher