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Typology of centralised and decentralised visions for electricity infrastructure |

Scientific and public controversies about the design of future electricity systems can be observed, including differences around centralised and decentralised approaches. Taking the German case as an example, we develop a typology of (de)centralisation that distinguishes between (1) infrastructure location (connectivity and proximity), and (2) infrastructure operation (flexibility and controllability). This typology is applied to two competing visions for the future of electricity infrastructure. A differentiated view of the various dimensions can contribute to the current debate, clarify visions for development paths, and inform infrastructure governance.
visions for electricity infrastructure 30.06.2016 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

The A to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility |

‘The A to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility’, edited by Wayne Visser. The entries have been written by leading experts, global thinkers and CSR practitioners. The book aims to help managers, consultants and researchers navigate their way through the plenty of terms, codes and organisations associated with CSR. Katharina Schmitt from Öko-Institut wrote the entry on ‘Ethics Officer’. She outlines the role and responsibilities that the ethics officer has within an organisation and describes the particular CSR issues that the officer has to deal with.
of Corporate Social Responsibility 01.02.2008 Umweltrecht & Governance Bücher

Vernetzen, fördern, konsolidieren, stärken – zur Gründung der Gesellschaft für transdisziplinäre und partizipative Forschung |

Um den Herausforderungen der Gegenwart nachhaltig begegnen zu können, ist transdisziplinär und partizipativ ausgerichtete Forschung zentral. Diese Art der Forschung erfordert verstärkten Austausch und verstärkte Vernetzung zwischen den Forschenden. Auf Initiative der Plattform tdAcademy wurde dazu die Gesellschaft für transdisziplinäre und partizipative Forschung (GTPF) gegründet, die sich als Anlaufstelle und unabhängige Interessenvertretung der transdisziplinären und partizipativen Forschung versteht – auch gegenüber Politik und Förderinstitutionen. Die Mitglieder engagieren sich in Vernetzung, Aus- und Weiterbildung sowie bei der Konsolidierung dieser Forschungsansätze und der Qualitätsstandards.
partizipative Forschung 12.05.2023 Nukleartechnik & Anlagensicherheit Bücher

Heating the Future: Overcoming Challenges and Gaining Stakeholder Support for District Heating Transformation |

Die leitungsgebundene Wärme (Fernwärme) spielt in vielen Studien und Szenarien zur Erreichung der Treibhausgasneutralität im Wärmesektor in Deutschland eine wichtige Rolle. In einigen Szenarien steigt der Anteil auf bis zu 30 % des Endenergiebedarfs für die Wärmeversorgung in Gebäuden. Der Ausbau und die Transformation der Fernwärme wird nicht ohne erhebliche Anstrengungen vonstattengehen; es bedarf eines durchdachten Vorgehens und geeigneter Maßnahmen, um diese Ziele erfolgreich zu erreichen. Technische und organisatorische Herausforderungen müssen ebenso angegangen werden wie die Sicherung der Unterstützung, die Förderung der sozialen Akzeptanz und die aktive Unterstützung der Gesellschaft durch die verschiedenen Akteure. Daher werden Barrieren und Lösungsansätze für die sieben wichtigsten Stakeholdergruppen analysiert, die vom Ausbau und der Transformation der Fernwärme in Deutschland betroffen sind. Darüber hinaus werden auf der Grundlage von Literatur, Interviews und zwei Stakeholder-Workshops Methoden z
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Sectors Under Scrutiny: Evaluation of Indicators to Assess the Risk of Carbon Leakage in the UK and Germany |

One of the central debates surrounding the design of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme is the approach to address carbon leakage concerns. Correctly identifying the economic activities exposed to the risk of carbon leakage represents the first step in mitigating the risk effectively. This paper assesses the robustness of the quantitative assessment criteria used by the European Commission for Phase 3. For example we apply the criteria to data for UK and Germany and compare the results with the Commissions’ assessment conducted at the aggregated EU level. This reveals that sectors’ exposure risk to carbon leakage can vary across different Member States due to differences in production processes, technologies and fuel mix; process emissions; recycling rate differences; product mix differences; sector classification, statistical boundaries, activity allocation differences; and finally difference in data quality. Overall, we find that relative carbon intensity of sectors, measured as cost increase relative to gross value added, provides a robust metric. The analysis also highlights the importance of using high quality and disaggregated data for this assessment. Published in: Environmental and Resource Economics“, January 2015, Volume 60, Issue 1, pp 99-124, DOI: 10.1007/s10640-014-9759-y  
Publikationen Energiewende und Klimapolitik Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

U.S. CO2 Mitigation in a Global Context: Welfare, Trade and Land Use |

We describe carbon dioxide mitigation scenarios specified by the Energy Modeling Forum study (EMF-24) „U.S. Technology Transitions under Alternative Climate Policies,“ using a global computable general equilibrium model that simulates world energy and agricultural systems through 2050. One set of scenarios covers variation across five major technology groups: end-use technology, carbon dioxide capture and storage, nuclear electricity generation, wind and solar power, and bioenergy. Other scenarios cover variation across policies. Policies such as a renewable portfolio standard for electricity generation or a clean electricity standard have the potential for significant emissions reductions, but at a greater cost than a cap-and-trade scenario with the same reduction in emissions. Cap-andtrade scenarios resulted in carbon dioxide leakage rates of 11 to 20 percent depending on the stringency of the targets. Oil-exporting regions without a mitigation policy may still have significant welfare losses when other world regions reduce emissions. Keywords: Carbon dioxide, Climate policy, Carbon leakage, Land use, Bioenergy Published in: „The Energy Journal“ Vol. 34 (1) (Special issue on U.S. Technology Transitions under Alternative Climate Policies)
Context: Welfare, Trade and Land Use 01.10.2014 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Strategies and Costs for Transforming the European Energy System |

The Energy Modeling Forum 28 (EMF28) study systematically explores the energy system transition required to meet the European goal of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 80% by 2050. The 80% scenario is compared to a reference case that aims to achieve a 40% GHG reduction target. The paper investigates mitigation strategies beyond 2020 and the interplay between different decarbonization options. The models present different technology pathways for the decarbonization of Europe, but a common finding across the scenarios and models is the prominent role of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. In particular, wind power and bioenergy increase considerably beyond current deployment levels. Up to 2030, the transformation strategies are similar across all models and for both levels of emission reduction. However, mitigation becomes more challenging after 2040. With some exceptions, our analysis agrees with the main findings of the „Energy Roadmap 2050“ presented by the European Commission. Published in Climate Change Economics, Volume 04, Issue supp01, November 2013 by World Scientific Publishing Co.
Transforming the European Energy System 04.12.2013 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Social justice in the context of climate policy: systematizing the variety of inequality dimensions, social impacts, and justice principles |

Several streams of research have discussed important aspects of social inequalities and justice in the context of climate, energy, and environmental issues. However, there is often a narrow focus on specific aspects, bearing the risk that tensions and trade-offs for policy are easily overlooked, and sometimes involving a loose, implicit, inconsistent, or uncritical use of the term justice. I argue to clearly separate the empirical analysis of inequalities from their normative assessment, and to adequately consider the large variety of potentially relevant inequalities as well as the variety of justice principles. In support of such an approach, this article suggests categorizations of (1) basic dimensions of social inequality in the context of climate and environment; (2) different social impacts of climate and environmental policies; and (3) different justice principles. The overall aim is to have typologies and an organizing framework at hand that help to systematically identify a broad range of inequalities which can then be discussed against different justice principles. This shall allow a better detection of intersectionality and policy trade-offs as well as broader-based normative judgments in research and in policy assessments (evaluations).
07.11.2022 Umweltrecht Publikationen Umweltrecht & Governance Bücher