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Import und Export von Gebrauchtfahrzeugen in Europa ‐ Manuskript |

Im Rahmen eines Projektes für die Europäische Kommission wurden die Importe und Exporte von gebrauchten Fahrzeugen innerhalb der Europäischen Union und aus/in das Nicht‐EU‐Ausland untersucht. Ziel der Untersuchung war es, die Datenlage für die Prognose der verkehrsverursachten Emissionen in den Ländern zu verbessern und mehr über den Verbleib der Altautos zu erfahren.
Gebrauchtfahrzeugen in Europa ‐ Manuskript 26.03.2012 Ressourcen & Mobilität Bücher

The Nagoya Protocol and the Diffusion of Economic Instruments for Ecosystem Services in International Environmental Governance |

In: Sebastian Oberthür und Kirstin Rosendal (eds), Global Governance of Genetic Resources: Access and Benefit Sharing after the Nagoya Protocol, Abingdon: Routledge, S. 132-157. In international environmental politics, more and morepayment schemes or markets for ecosystem services are introduced, changing the nature of governance. The paper explores and compares the following schemes: benefit-sharing on genetic resources under (a) the Convention on Biological Diversity plus its Nagoya Protocol and (b) the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture; (c) forest projects under the UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism and (d) the emerging scheme of ‘Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation in developing countries’ (‘REDD+’) under the UNFCCC. The analysis covers (a) the targeted ecosystem services; (b) the in-struments’ evolution; (c) the instruments as such, focusing on their economic nature and the transactions they induce; and (d) the instruments’ effects. The research is based on institutional and document analysis, expert interviews as well as a review of quantitative and qualitative data on instrument effects. In a concluding assessment the author compares the four instruments, helping to elucidate the particular features of the CBD/NP market. More generally, the comparison confirms those voices skeptical of the introduction of markets for ecosystem services; non-market-based payment schemes are regarded as less problematic.
International Environmental Governance 18.07.2014 Umweltrecht & Governance Bücher