Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: buch

Reflexive Governance For Sustainable Development |

This book deals with the issue of sustainable development in a novel and innovative way. It examines the governance implications of reflexive modernisation – the condition that societal development is endangered by its own side-effects. With conceptualising reflexive governance the book leads a way out of endless quarrels about the definition of sustainability and into a new mode of collective action.
Governance For Sustainable Development 27.01.2006 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

Trägt die Energienutzung von Waldholz zum Klimaschutz bei? |

Die Holzentnahme verringert die Speicherleistung auf der Waldfläche. Wird dies in Treibhausgas (THG-)Bilanzen von Waldenergieholz berücksichtigt, dann ist keine THG-Minderung durch Waldenergieholz (Erstnutzung) gegenüber fossilen Energieträgern zu erwarten. Die anstehende Nationale Biomassestrategie der Bundesregierung sollte zukünftig Nutzungspfade so priorisieren, dass mit der Ressource Waldholz optimal im Sinne des Klimaschutzes umgegangen wird.
01.03.2023 Publikationen Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher & Fachartikel

Data Governance and Regulation for Sustainable Smart Cities |

It is increasingly understood that data governance is a key variable in the endeavor to design smart cities in such a way that they effectively contribute to achieving sustainability goals and solving environmental problems. However, the question of how different governance options might affect sustainability goals is still open. This article suggests an approach to answering this question from a regulatory perspective. It draws some preliminary lessons from previous regulatory debates, proposes a prospective evaluation of ideal types of data regulation, and finally seeks to outline normative guidelines for social–ecological data governance.
Regulation for Sustainable Smart Cities 24.12.2021 Umweltrecht & Governance Bücher

Customer stratification and different concepts of decentralization |

Published in: „Consumer, Prosumer, Prosumager 1st Edition – How Service Innovations will Disrupt the Utility Business Model“, Editor: Fereidoon Sioshansi, Paperback ISBN: 9780128168356 , eBook ISBN: 9780128168363 , Imprint: Academic Press, Published Date: 21st February 2019, Page Count: 550
different concepts of decentralization 21.02.2019 Energie & Klimaschutz Bücher

A non-land policy for global sustainable land use? |

What are new ways and future options for the international governance of sustainable land use? Effective policies towards more sustainable land use should not only deal with land and soil. These policies need to address various drivers and different contexts in an integrated manner.
01.12.2015 Umweltrecht & Governance Bücher & Fachartikel Umweltrecht