Art Object Page
National Gallery of Art
Axel Leonhard Klinckowström (artist and compiler), Various Engravers Map of New
National Gallery of Art
Axel Leonhard Klinckowström (artist and compiler), Various Engravers Map of New
National Gallery of Art
Axel Leonhard Klinckowström (artist and compiler), Various Engravers Esquisse
National Gallery of Art
Axel Leonhard Klinckowström (artist and compiler), Various Engravers Map of the
National Gallery of Art
Axel Leonhard Klinckowström (artist and compiler), Various Engravers Perkins
National Gallery of Art
Axel Leonhard Klinckowström (artist and compiler), Various Engravers Inrednings
National Gallery of Art
Axel Leonhard Klinckowström (artist and compiler), Various Engravers Broadway
National Gallery of Art
Axel Leonhard Klinckowström (artist and compiler), Various Engravers Atlas til
National Gallery of Art
Axel Leonhard Klinckowström (artist and compiler), Various Engravers Vue of Newyorks
National Gallery of Art
Volker Manuth and Axel Rüger (London, 2004), 232–239.