Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: axel

Older parents are happier with more children

The more children young parents have, the unhappier they are. From age 40 on, however, it is the other way round. Then, more children generally mean more happiness. This is true independent of sex, income, or partnership status, as researchers of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) in Rostock and the University of Pennsylvania now show in a study based on a survey of over 200,000 women and men in 86 countries conducted from 1981 to 2005.
Jurisprudence Migration Social Sciences In this joint interview, Anne Peters and Axel

No false certainty

The COVID-19 pandemic has once again highlighted the uncertainty inherent in science. The results of a Germany-wide study conducted by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin show that most Germans want to be openly informed about this uncertainty.
Jurisprudence Migration Social Sciences In this joint interview, Anne Peters and Axel

Milk enabled massive steppe migration

The long-distance migrations of early Bronze Age pastoralists in the Eurasian steppe have captured widespread interest. But the factors behind their remarkable spread have been heavily debated by archaeologists. Now a new study in Nature provides clues regarding a critical component of the herders’ lifestyle that was likely instrumental to their success: dairying.
Jurisprudence Migration Social Sciences In this joint interview, Anne Peters and Axel

Jungen werden immer früher geschlechtsreif

Jungen werden immer früher körperlich erwachsen. Seit mindestens Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts ist das Alter ihrer Geschlechtsreife um etwa 2,5 Monate pro Jahrzehnt gefallen. Diesen bisher schwer belegbaren Trend wies Joshua Goldstein, Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für demografische Forschung in Rostock (MPIDR), nun mittels Sterblichkeitsdaten nach. Damit scheint auch für Jungen zu gelten, was für Mädchen bereits bekannt war: Der Zeitraum, in dem junge Menschen zwar geschlechtsreif, aber sozial gesehen noch nicht erwachsen sind, wird immer länger.
Sozialwissenschaften Völkerrecht Im Doppelinterview diskutieren Anne Peters und Axel