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Green Goal 2011: effektives Umweltmanagement in allen

Ehrgeizige Umweltziele gehen mit dem nächsten sportlichen Großereignis in Deutschland einher: Die FIFA Frauen-WM 2011 soll „klimafair“ werden. Mit Hilfe des renommierten Öko-Instituts und unterstützt von der Deutschen Bundesstiftung Umwelt will das Organisationskomitee (OK) mit seiner Kampagne „Green Goal 2011“ negative Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt nach Möglichkeit vermeiden oder durch Investitionen in Klimaschutzprojekte ausgleichen.
Green Goal 2011: effektives Umweltmanagement in allen

Closing all roads to circumvention of EU ecodesign

The European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme funded in 2018-2021 the project ANTICSS – Anti-Circumvention of Standards for better market Surveillance conducted by 19 partners of eight countries, coming from research organisations, Energy Agencies, Market Surveillance Authorities (MSAs), test laboratories and NGOs. Triggered by the diesel scandal, in which vehicles contained a certain defeat device that guaranteed compliance with emission limits during the test conditions while emissions in practice were much higher, the main objective of the ANTICSS project was a thorough investigation on whether such manipulations are also possible under EU ecodesign and energy labelling legislation, including capacity building and mitigation measures.
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