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The Future of Electric Vehicles in Climate Change Mitigation |

Electric vehicles (EVs) are pivotal in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving energy efficiency to meet the Paris Agreement goals. However, the production of EV batteries, particularly concerning battery manufacturing and the extraction of critical minerals such as lithium and nickel, presents significant environmental, social, and governance (ESG) challenges. As technological advancements in batteries rapidly evolve, the sector faces both opportunities and uncertainties. In light of these developments, the event brings together experts to discuss the future of electric vehicles in climate change mitigation.
12:00 ics-Download Veranstaltungsort GIZ Campus Auditorium Friedrich-Ebert-Alle

Das Öko-Institut auf den Berliner Energietagen vom 18.-20. Mai 2011 |

Die Berliner Energietage 2011 stehen unter dem Motto Energieeffizienz in Deutschland. Die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des Öko-Instituts sind auch in diesem Jahr wieder mit zwei Workshops und einem Vortrag zu energiepolitischen Fragestellungen vertreten.
Alle drei Veranstaltungen finden am Freitag, 20. Mai 2011, statt.