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Germany, Cologne, 18.10.2019 – participants 18th of October 2019 From 15-18 October 2019, UNICEF and the City of Cologne hosted the first international Child Friendly Cities Summit in Cologne, Germany.ÊThe last day of the event saw children and young people present Mayors a manifesto on child friendly cities. In an official ceremony attended by UNICEF Deputy Executive Director Charlotte Petri Gornitzka and Luis Ernesto Pedernera Reyna, Chair of the Committee on the Rights of the Child amongst others, mayors from different countries worldwide signed the Declaration of Cologne to accelerate progress towards improving the lives, opportunities and well-being of children in cities and communities. During the summit, more than 550 mayors, local leaders, technical experts, children and young people from over 60 countries worldwide joined hands to discuss how to make their cities and communities a better place for children and young people. The aim of the summit: to send a signal to the world to create cities and communities that are fit for children. Marcel Wogram for UNICEF.
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KINA – Ein Schiff voller Tiere |

HANDOUT – 07.09.2020, —: Dave und Kate aus dem Film ´Ooops! 2 – Land in Sichtª. Der Nestrier Dave (rechts) wird von†Christian Ulmen gesprochen. Foto: —/Ulysses Films, Fabrique d’Images and Moetion Films/dpa – ACHTUNG: Nur f¸r Bezieher des Dienstes dpa-Nachrichten f¸r Kinder, mit vollst‰ndiger Nennung des vorstehenden Credits und zur Berichterstattung ¸ber den genannten Film – Honorarfrei nur f¸r Bezieher des Dienstes dpa-Nachrichten f¸r Kinder +++ dpa-Nachrichten f¸r Kinder +++
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