It was a lover and his lass
»It was a lover and his lass« im LIEDERPROJEKT. Mit Noten als PDF. Eingespielt von: Dorothee Mields, Salagon Quartett, Mitsingfassung: Götz Payer, Christine Busch, Illustriert von Gustav Klimt.Melodie: Thomas Morley (1557/87–1602), Text: William Shakespeare (1564–1616), aus » As You Like It « – 1. It was a lover and his lass, with a hey, and a ho, and a hey nonni no, and a hey nonni no. That o’er the green cornfield did pass in springtime, in springtime, in springtime, the only pretty ringtime, when birds do sing, hey ding a ding a ding, hey ding a ding a ding, hey ding a ding a ding; sweet lovers love the spring.
Al canto del cucù „L’inverno se n’è andato“ Al die willen te kaap’ren varen / Alle