Veronica Burgstaller, Communications Manager at FNF Europe, recently embarked on a transformative journey with the One Foundation Program in the Philippines. Her experience highlights the rich yet complex history of a nation grappling with its colonial past and ongoing struggles for democracy. Through this immersive exchange, Veronica could explore the deep-rooted political and cultural dynamics of the Philippines while fostering global collaboration within FNF.
the United Kingdom, the official name after the Kingdom of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
News from Poland in September was dominated mainly by the government’s renewed demands for reparations from Germany. But much more has happened as Poland continues to support Ukraine in every way possible and fighting the energy crisis and strengthening its defence alliance with the US in the same time. In his monthly newsletter, our guest contributor Dr. Milosz Hodun gives us updates about current news, events and all other things you need to know about Poland.
It is based on the lives of June and Jennifer Gibbons, real-life identical twins who grew up in Wales
A l’occasion de la 5ème édition de la journée de l’innovation et de la recherche scientifique « Falling Walls Lab » à Abidjan sur le thème : « Femme, Science et Innovation », la Fondation Friedrich Naumann pour la Liberté a organisé la soirée de l’entrepreneur sur le thème : « l’échec entrepreneurial : continuer ou renoncer ? » avec pour invités M. Edi Macaire et M. Samuel Sevis, tous deux entrepreneurs.
En effet, après avoir remporté plusieurs prix dont le concours Falling Wals Lab en 2017, il est présenté
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