MUM: Robert Seifried
Engineering (OMAE 2022) Verlags DOI Experimental analysis of a hybrid drive train
Engineering (OMAE 2022) Verlags DOI Experimental analysis of a hybrid drive train
Bahnfahren – neue Technologie macht öffentlichen Nahverkehr effizienter“ (Better train
of the neural network is based on the Fourier neural operator, which allows to train
of the neural network is based on the Fourier neural operator, which allows to train
Each data sets includes 12080 sinograms, split in train (60%), validation (20%) and
TotalSegmentator combines a large CT dataset and the well-established nnU-Net framework to train
They are based on the idea of using a classical computer to train a parameterized
different players from academia, industry, government and politicians Educate and train
David; Seifried, Robert; Hintze, Wolfgang Experimental analysis of a hybrid drive train
course of four years, from the beginning of the project in March 2021, TUSAIL will train