Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Trainer

Bioeconomy – Fossil fuels

The changing climate necessitates saying farewell to oil and coal. But our society, and especially our ideals of freedom and prosperity, are heavily dependent on the use of fossil fuels. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin are investigating just how strong this dependency is and how we can free ourselves from it.
increasingly also being aired in the elevator: why do people use cars instead of trains

Asteroid treasure in the Hubble archive

With a sophisticated combination of human and artificial intelligence, astronomers uncovered 1701 new asteroid trails in archival data of the Hubble Space Telescope spanning the past 20 years. While about one third could be identified and attributed to known objects, more than 1000 trails probably correspond to previously unknown asteroids. These unidentified asteroids are faint and likely smaller than asteroids detected in ground-based surveys. They could give the astronomers valuable clues about conditions in the early solar system, when the planets were formed.
Therefore we needed volunteers to do an initial classification, which we then used to train

Bioeconomy – Fossil fuels

The changing climate necessitates saying farewell to oil and coal. But our society, and especially our ideals of freedom and prosperity, are heavily dependent on the use of fossil fuels. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin are investigating just how strong this dependency is and how we can free ourselves from it.
increasingly also being aired in the elevator: why do people use cars instead of trains


Die Zukunft der Teilchenbeschleunigung hat bereits begonnen: AWAKE ist ein erfolgversprechendes Konzept für ein gänzlich neues Verfahren, mit dem sich Teilchen schon auf kurzen Strecken beschleunigen lassen. Basis dafür ist eine Plasmawelle, die Elektronen mitreißt und so auf hohe Energien bringt. In Physical Review Letters vermeldet ein vom Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (MPP) geführtes Team jetzt einen Durchbruch. Erstmals gelang es, die Produktion der Protonenpäckchen, die die Welle im Plasma aufbauen, zeitlich genau zu takten. Damit ist eine wichtige Voraussetzung erfüllt, um die AWAKE-Technologie für Kollisionsexperimente zu nutzen.
energiereiche, Millimeter-kurze Protonenpakete zerteilt und bilden einen Zugstrahl (train