Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Trainer

Organ donation: Opt-out defaults do not increase donation rates

A recent study by the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, in collaboration with the MSB Medical School Berlin and the Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry and Ageing Research, shows that switching to an opt-out organ donation policy, where all adults are presumed organ donors unless they explicitly opt out, does not increase donations from deceased donors. The results of the study have been published in the journal Public Health.
, encourage individuals to talk about their donation wishes with relatives, and train

“Civil courage is needed – everywhere”

Showing civil courage is not easy. However, at a time when populism is on the rise, civil courage and the ability to intervene on behalf of others are needed more than ever. But why do we hesitate to stand up for justice so often? And what distinguishes civilly courageous people from others? Anna Baumert and her team are trying to find answers to these questions. One thing is certain: we can learn how to intervene astutely and constructively in any situation – even relatively minor ones.
And the trainers work with many different people there.

When pigeons dream

Dreams have been considered a hallmark of human sleep for a long time. Latest findings, however, suggest that when pigeons sleep, they might experience visions of flight. Researchers at Ruhr University Bochum and at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence studied brain activation patterns in sleeping pigeons, using functional magnetic resonance imaging. The study revealed that similar to mammals, most of the brain is highly active during REM sleep. However, this wake-like state might come at a cost of reduced waste removal from the brain.
“We hope to train birds to report if and what they just saw upon awakening from REM

When pigeons dream

Dreams have been considered a hallmark of human sleep for a long time. Latest findings, however, suggest that when pigeons sleep, they might experience visions of flight. Researchers at Ruhr University Bochum and at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence studied brain activation patterns in sleeping pigeons, using functional magnetic resonance imaging. The study revealed that similar to mammals, most of the brain is highly active during REM sleep. However, this wake-like state might come at a cost of reduced waste removal from the brain.
“We hope to train birds to report if and what they just saw upon awakening from REM

Ralph Hertwig about behaviourial psychology and climate protection

Can psychological tools drive societal change towards a sustainable planet? For years, scientists have been warning the public about the dangers of climate change. Its impact can already be felt in Germany. Only decisive and rapid action can at least mitigate the consquences. But what is preventing us from taking urgently needed action? Psychologist Ralph Hertwig, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, explains the reasons and offers suggestions on how we can change our habits.
For example, buses and trains could be free of charge, or cycle paths could be massively