Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Trainer

Formative Evaluation of the Anti-crime Capacity Building Program

The Evaluation Division (ZIE) of the Office of Audit, Evaluation and Inspection would like to extend its appreciation to all employees of DFAIT, representatives of other government departments, international organizations and NGOs who agreed to participate in interviews for the formative evaluation of the Anti-Crime Capacity Building Program. ZIE also gratefully acknowledges the contributions of members of the Evaluation Advisory Committee who guided the evaluation throughout all its phases.
the behaviour of managers to ensure maximum impact and reach (e.g., „train the trainer

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Implementation Plan: Canada’s Civil Society Partnerships Policy – High level narrative update on progress 2022

The Government of Canada works with a broad range of partners, domestically and internationally, to strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of Canada’s international assistance. It recognizes the essential role of civil society organizations (CSOs) as development actors in their own right, and continues to advocate for safe and supportive environments in which civil society can thrive around the world. This engagement with CSOs is affirmed in Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP). It is restated in Canada’s Policy for Civil Society Partnerships for International Assistance – A Feminist Approach (“the CSO Policy”) and the CSO Policy Implementation Plan, co-developed with the CSO Policy Advisory Group (CPAG), which is composed of senior-level Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and CSO representatives.
Integrate a train-the-trainer approach to ensure longevity and replicability of learning

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Evaluation of Global Affairs Canada’s Contribution to the Middle East Strategy

The Corporate, Trade and Diplomacy Evaluation Division (PRE) conducted an evaluation of MES to assess the extent to which Global Affairs Canada (GAC) contributed to the expected results of the Strategy from FY2016/17-FY2018/19 across its four pillars: humanitarian assistance, development, security and stabilization and diplomatic engagement. 
issue by focusing on building internal capacity- for example through train-the-trainer

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Summative Evaluation of the Global Partnership Program

The Global Partnership (GP) against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction (WMD) was launched in 2002 at the G8 summit in Kananaskis, Canada. This partnership was established in order to address the risk of non-state and state actors acquiring WMD and related materials left over from the Cold War era.
proven Canadian CBRNe first response techniques following a modified „train the trainer

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