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After completing Missy’s training, we keepers would call for LouLou for her time to train
After completing Missy’s training, we keepers would call for LouLou for her time to train
check out new enrichment, first to get the snacks and first to approach keepers to train
big cats like to scent mark, the perfume is almost irresistible to Thimbu, and trainers
“They get really excited when it’s their turn to train with their keepers.
The same is true for animals, which is why CMZoo keepers and trainers make daily
“It goes to show how important it is to proactively train for these volunteer behaviors
She will let you know if she wants to come over to train or if today is not the day
Keepers say Emmett and Digger still play-wrestle, splash in their pond, and train
She is very smart and eager to train with her keepers, often offering a behavior
tell if he’s walking slightly differently, or if we need to brainstorm new ways to train