‘‘Telegram from [Moise] Kisling, New York, to Jacques Lipchitz, Toulouse‘, Moïse https://www.tate.org.uk/art/archive/items/tga-897-1-1-221-5/telegram-from-moise-kisling-new-york-to-jacques-lipchitz-toulouse
Full text: ‚New york – vu barre reussite complete fonds necessaire trouvera comite americain marseille suis the congress hotel – fraternelement kisling‘ (New York, [I have] seen Barre [probably, Alfred Barr], [there is] a complete success with the necessary funding. Will find the American Comittee in Marseille. I am at The Congress Hotel. Brotherly, Kisling‘.
Jacques Lipchitz Telegram from [Moise] Kisling, New York, to Jacques Lipchitz, Toulouse