Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Toronto

Le Canada et la Coopération économique Asie-Pacifique (APEC)

Le forum de coopération économique Asie-Pacifique (APEC), créé en 1989, est devenu le principal forum économique de la région Asie-Pacifique. Son objectif principal est de promouvoir une croissance économique durable et la prospérité dans la région Asie-Pacifique.
ancienne présidente-directeure générale de la Chambre de commerce de la région de Toronto

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Elsie Initiative for Women in Peace Operations

Canada announced the Elsie Initiative for Women in Peace Operations during the Vancouver UN Peacekeeping Defence Ministerial Conference in November 2017. The Initiative’s goal is to help increase the meaningful participation of women in UN peace operations. Originally scheduled to last 5 years (2017-2022), Canada announced, at the Seoul UN Peacekeeping Ministerial meeting in December 2021, that the Elsie Initiative would be extended for a further 5 years, and its mandate expanded. The second phase of the Initiative, from April 2022 to March 2027, will reinforce Canada’s commitment to gender equity and to the reform of UN peace operations.
She attended the University of Toronto, becoming the first woman to graduate in electrical

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