Poesie (AT) – www.die-bibel.de https://www.die-bibel.de/ressourcen/wibilex/altes-testament/poesie-at
Beat Weber
SBL.DS] 1975) Culley, R.C., 1967, Oral Formulaic Language in the Biblical Psalms, Toronto
Beat Weber
SBL.DS] 1975) Culley, R.C., 1967, Oral Formulaic Language in the Biblical Psalms, Toronto
Autorinnen und Autoren
of Humanities, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University Toronto
Stephan Lauber
An Introduction to the Theory of Narrative, Toronto.
Johannes Renz
Assyrian Periods, Toronto Zur Literaturgeschichte und zur Archivierung von Literatur
Johannes Renz
Assyrian Periods, Toronto Zur Literaturgeschichte und zur Archivierung von Literatur
Johannes Renz
Assyrian Periods, Toronto Zur Literaturgeschichte und zur Archivierung von Literatur
Thomas Richter
Assyrian Periods 1), Toronto / Buffalo / London Groneberg, Brigitte, 1980, Die Orts
Thomas Wagner
Grayson, A.K., 1975, Babylonian Historical-Literary Texts (TSTS 3), Toronto.
Thomas Wagner
Grayson, A.K., 1975, Babylonian Historical-Literary Texts (TSTS 3), Toronto.
Thomas Wagner
Grayson, A.K., 1975, Babylonian Historical-Literary Texts (TSTS 3), Toronto.