Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Tornado

Attacks & Fatalities – International Shark Attack File

Use these data with caution, remembering that scientific and media coverage of shark attack during the early part of this century was far less inclusive than that today. The apparent drop in number of attacks in the 1970’s and 1980’s is in part reflective of the largely inactive state of the ISAF du
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Trends by Decade – International Shark Attack File

Use these data with caution, remembering that scientific and media coverage of shark attack during the early part of this century was far less inclusive than that today. The apparent drop in number of attacks in the 1970’s and 1980’s is in part reflective of the largely inactive state of the ISAF du
Shark Attack Compared to Other Risks Risk of Death Lightning Strikes Tornadoes

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Boating – International Shark Attack File

Sharks vs. Boating Fatalities Boating Accidents and Fatalities Compared to Shark Attacks and Fatalities: 1998-2013 State Number of Boating Accidents Number of Boating Fatalities Number of Shark bites Number of Shark bite Fatalities Alabama 1,379 265 7 0 California 9,88
Shark Attack Compared to Other Risks Risk of Death Lightning Strikes Tornadoes

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Hunting – International Shark Attack File

Sharks vs. Hunting Accidents Shark Attack Fatalities Compared to Hunting Incident Fatalities in the U.S. and Canada: 2000-2007 Year Number of Hunting Incidents Number of Hunting Fatalities Number of Shark bites Number of Shark bite Fatalities 2000 926 91 53 1 2001 800
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Rip Currents – International Shark Attack File

Shark Attacks vs. Rip Currents Rip Current Rescues and Fatalities Compared to Shark Attacks and Fatalities Year Number of Rip Current Rescues Number of Rip Current Fatalities Number of Shark bites Number of Shark bite Fatalities 2004 33,354 44 30 2 2005 24,089 12 37
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Bear Attacks – International Shark Attack File

Sources of fatal bear attack statistics: “Fatal Attacks by American Black Bear on People: 1900-2009” by Stephen Herrero, Andrew Higgins, James E. Cardoza, Laura I. Hajduk & Tom S. Smith; published in the April, 2011 issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management.
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Shark Attacks vs. Population Growth – International Shark Attack File

As the worldwide human population continues to rise year after year, so does our interest in aquatic recreation. The number of shark attacks in any given year or region is highly influenced by the number of people entering the water. See: More People Mean More Attacks Australia Shark Attacks vs. P
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Home Improvement Equipment – International Shark Attack File

Sharks vs. Home Improvement Injuries A Comparison with the Number of Injuries Associated with Home-Improvement Equipment: 1996 Equipment Number of Injuries Nails, screws, tacks, and bolts 198,849 Ladders 138,894 Toilets 43,687 Pruning, trimming, edging 36,091
Shark Attack Compared to Other Risks Risk of Death Lightning Strikes Tornadoes

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Beach Injuries & Fatalities – International Shark Attack File

Here are what the real odds are for the USA based on the data below: Drowning and other beach-related fatalities 1 in 2 million Drowning fatalities 1 in 3.5 million Shark attacks 1 in 11.5 million Shark attack fatalities 0 in 264.1 million Estimated attendan
Shark Attack Compared to Other Risks Risk of Death Lightning Strikes Tornadoes

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