Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Sri Lanka

Announcement: Tunes of Freedom – Eine musikalische Reise für eine bessere und freiere Welt

An initiative that strives to bridge the gap between liberal values and the wider population by engaging both the logical and creative aspects of thinking. By appealing to both the left and right brain hemispheres, it aims to foster a comprehensive understanding and appreciation of liberal ideologies.
Lanka EN DE Kuala Lumpur Malaysia EN

Announcement: Tunes of Freedom – Musical Journey for a better and freer world

An initiative that strives to bridge the gap between liberal values and the wider population by engaging both the logical and creative aspects of thinking. By appealing to both the left and right brain hemispheres, it aims to foster a comprehensive understanding and appreciation of liberal ideologies.
Lanka EN DE Kuala Lumpur Malaysia EN

Regional Meeting – 2021: “Happy” Bhutan threatened by climate change and geopolitics

For decades, the small Kingdom of Bhutan, has carefully controlled its exposure to the more materialistic lifestyles adopted elsewhere in the world. It’s concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH) taking precedence over Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as envisioned by that nation’s 4th King, Jigme Singye Wangchuck has won Bhutan the status of being the only carbon neutral country in the world. It also fares pretty well on the world happiness index.
Jakarta Indonesia EN DE ID Colombo Sri

Länderbüros: Halle: Plattform für den Austausch zwischen Politik und Bürgern

Am 26.11. wurde das neue Länderbüro Mitteldeutschland in Halle offiziell eröffnet. Gekommen waren über 60 neugierige Gäste, die das Angebot annahmen und sich gemeinsam mit Frank Sitta MdB, dem Journalisten Raimund Fichtenberger und der Autorin Juliane Uhl darüber Gedanken machten, ob sich Politik die Bürger noch verstehen und einander erreichen.
Jakarta Indonesien EN DE ID Colombo Sri