Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Sri Lanka

Bussiness Human Rights : Navigating Compliance & Sustainability: SMEs in Global Value Chains

Will ESG regulations on global value chains safeguard or stifle SMEs in emerging economies/global south? Explore how compliance demands might pose opportunities and challenges for small businesses navigating these interconnected networks. Unveil the delicate balance between growth and challenges within this evolving landscape.
Jakarta Indonesia EN DE ID Colombo Sri

Towards a Relational Approach: Water Diplomacy in South Asia

The policy brief draws attention to certain generic and a few specific patterns related to discourses around water diplomacy. First, an attempt has been undertaken to examine the nature of the mainstream water diplomacy discourse, which has become prominent in recent years with respect to India and her neighbours. In this regard, issues which were often marginalised in existing water diplomacy discourses have been brought to the forefront. Second, a policy framework has been propounded to reconcile these tensions by engaging with the meta and micro narratives of water diplomacy.
Jakarta Indonesia EN DE ID Colombo Sri

Let’s reshape Europe together! | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Europe is facing a multitude of challenges that are among the most serious in history. Following the motto „Reshape Europe,“ we are therefore launching a global dialogue on how Europe can become more resilient in order to stand up to the enemies of freedom worldwide. This requires bold steps that strengthen the EU internally as well as externally: How can we strengthen European defense capabilities and thus make the EU a serious global player in security policy? How can the EU’s economic power be strengthened and its supply of raw materials and energy become less dependent on authoritarian regimes? What can the EU learn from other world regions in this regard? How to truly integrate and unite the EU politically so that it, together with its partners, is capable of defending the liberal world order as a global actor with a common voice? Join our discussions and visit our events on the future of Europe.
Jakarta Indonesia EN DE ID Colombo Sri

INDUSTRY: Arab wines: Oasis of freedom

They are the fruit of the Coptic Christian or Jewish tradition, of the customs imported from the colonizing countries, especially France, of the demands of tourists or of the courageous entrepreneurship of a handful of businessmen. Wine in the Arab countries of the Mediterranean arc is an inherent part of their culture, uses and customs.
Jakarta Indonesia EN DE ID Colombo Sri

SME in Bangladesh: A Brief Overview of SMEs in Bangladesh: Challenges and the way forward

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of world economies, constituting about 90% of businesses and providing more than 50% of employment globally (World Bank). They stimulate innovation, encourage entrepreneurship and play a vital role in diversifying economies, fostering competitiveness and providing resilience in the face of economic hurdles.
Jakarta Indonesia EN DE ID Colombo Sri

IAF: From Gummersbach to Berlin: Learning about the defense of human rights on the internet

Diego Ato, project coordinator of the Instituto Pro Libertad (IPL) and human rights activist, participated in the seminar „The defense of human and civil rights on the Internet, in society and in the business world“ of the International Leadership Academy (IAF) of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF). For him, this was a great opportunity to learn about a very comprehensive approach to human rights and at the forefront of the globalized and digital world we live in. Here is his testimony.
Jakarta Indonesia EN DE ID Colombo Sri

China: EU kontert Chinas „Belt and Road“-Initiative

Mit der „Global Gateway“-Strategie will die EU eine Alternative zu den chinesischen Infrastrukturprogrammen der „Belt and Road“ schaffen. Die EU-Initiative ist längst überfällig und von hoher geostrategischer Relevanz. Der Anspruch ist dabei kein geringerer, als die EU zum führenden Wachstumspartner etwa auf dem Balkan oder in Nordafrika zu machen. Das wird Hunderte Milliarden Euro kosten. Und die Umsetzung ist komplex.
Jakarta Indonesien EN DE ID Colombo Sri