Giraffe – Zootier Lexikon
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Sie sind „Browser“, die Blätter, Zweige, Knospen, Rinde, Früchte und Samen von Bäumen
Frösche Goldfröschchen Goldfröschchen (Mantella aurantiaca) im Zoo Zürich © Sam
malgaches Roter Madagaskar-Schnurfüßer (Aphistogoniulus sp.) im Zoo Zürich © Sam
Gelbpunktriedfrosch Gelbpunkt-Riedfrosch (Heterixalus alboguttatus) im Zoo Zürich Sam
that mongooses would accept feral cat baits and could also be treated with the same
Lehmanns Baumsteiger Lehmanns Baumsteiger (Oophaga lehmanni) im Zoo Zürich © Sam
At juveniles at the same age, which were fed on Artemia, the Ductus pneumaticus can
flexible and fluid fission-fusion societies in the wild, in which members of the same
Literatur und Internetquellen Siamkrokodil (Crocodylus siamensis) im Zoo Zürich © Sam
trees, and consuming squash (Cucurbita spp.) provided for tortoises inhabiting the same