Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Samen

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Mapping debris-covered glaciers and their features and characteristics

Supraglacial debris considerably alters the response of glaciers to changes in climate, yet debris-covered glaciers are notoriously difficult to delineate due to their fuzzy boundaries and spectral similarities to marginal moraines. Their surfaces are often characterized by supraglacial ponds and ex
Further Project staff ¶ Sam Herreid (until recently) Simone Jola (until recently

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Regeneration assessment in open forest areas (CATReg)

An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UAV equipped with a LiDAR sensor will be used to test its potential for regeneration structure assessments in mountain forests. The project aims to combine terrestrial regeneration mapping with LiDAR-based information to assess size, density and location of regeneration.
Field surveys of the same parameters will be conducted in the training areas (step

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With or without livestock – how to sustain and preserve biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and services of grasslands

We aim to understand how above- and belowground communities (invertebrates, plants, soil microbes) interactively respond to livestock removal and how these changes affect biotic interaction networks, ecosystem functioning and services.
by domestic livestock, they are central for planetary wellbeing, but are at the same

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