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Short-term parking – permanent parking permit („Parkpickerl“) for residents

Persons with their primary residence in the districts 1 to 9 and 20 or in the area around Stadthalle in the 15th district can be issued a certificate of exemption pursuant to Art. 45 (4) Austrian Federal Road Traffic Act.
steps if your circumstances change I have got a new car (number plates remain the same

The school system for children – Video

Schooling is compulsory in Austria. Your children must attend school for at least nine years from the age of six. There is also a mandatory kindergarten year before that and the possibility of pre-school. This StartWien video shows you the difference between primary school, special needs school, secondary school and academic secondary school as well as private and public schools. We also inform you about school enrolment, learning support, the grading system and afternoon care.
Enrolment takes place at the beginning of the same year.

Školsko obrazovanje za decu – Video

U Austriji postoji školska obaveza. Od navršene šeste godine vaše dete devet narednih godina mora ići u školu. Pre toga postoji obavezna godina u dečjem vrtiću, kao i mogućnost posećivanja predškole. U ovom StartWien-videu objašnjavamo razliku između četvorogodišnje osnovne škole, specijalne škole, niže srednje škole i nižih razreda gimnazije, kao i između privatnih i javnih škola. Informišemo vas i o upisu u školu, pomoći u učenju, sistemu ocenjivanja i poslepodnevnoj organizovanoj brizi o deci.
O prijemu u jednu ili drugu vrstu škole odlučuju same škole na osnovu ocena iz osnovne