Genetic Engineering and Organic Farming | Umweltbundesamt
At the same time EU law permits under certain conditions the market introduction
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At the same time EU law permits under certain conditions the market introduction
two years time, the project aimed to develop a scientifically sound and at the same
describes the impacts of climate change on the basis of solid scientific data, at the same
The same was elaborated for the relevant provisions for fishing gear.
At the same time, the occurrence of APs in surface waters was investigated in a screening
emissions into the environment, if the local releases from various uses of the same
emissions along a global 1.5 °C path towards GHG-neutrality by 2050, while at the same
is that the most effective policy instruments tend to be cost-efficient at the same
achieve this, each certificate issued by a mechanism must reliably represent the same
affordable housing that is environmentally, climate and resource efficient, and at the same