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#CircularEconomy_7: Mehr Mehrweg – eine Lösung für unser Verpackungsproblem |

Clara Löw sieht ein Mehrwegsystem als eins der wichtigsten Instrumente gegen den Verpackungsmüll – nicht nur für Speisen und Getränke to go, sondern insgesamt. Auf lange Sicht ist das auch günstiger, als unser derzeitiges Einweg-System.
An increase in the number of places where the same reusable packaging can be used

CCQI scores for IFM projects point to substantial integrity risks |

The Carbon Credit Quality Initiative (CCQI) has released new scores for the integrity risks of carbon credits from improved forest management (IFM) projects. We find that unrealistic baselines and underestimated leakage are likely to lead to significant overestimation of emission reductions or removals under all assessed methodologies. The likelihood of additionality depends strongly on the forest management practices that are implemented. The sustainable development benefits are more limited compared to most other project types.
carbon markets, a well-established principle is that projects should provide the same

The Madrid climate talks failed to deliver. What now? |

Tangible results are hard to find. Countries failed to agree on a clear roadmap for enhancing the ambition of climate targets in 2020 and delayed several important decisions, in particular rules for international carbon market mechanisms. In this blog, the Oeko-Institut team provides a viewpoint from inside the negotiations.
this universe, countries have fundamentally divergent views and perceptions of the same

Making everyone fit for 55 – How can the Social Climate Fund support the transition in the buildings sector? |

Is the Social Climate Fund of the EU designed to fulfill his promise? The aim is to address any social impacts that arise from the new system of emissions trading to the buildings and road transport sectors.
At the same time emissions are reduced so that less compensation (direct income support

Energiepolitik in Zeiten des Ukraine-Krieges: Kernkraftwerke statt Erdgas? |

Anke Herold, Dr. Roman Mendelevitch und Dr. Christoph Pistner über die Auswirkungen des Kriegs in der Ukraine auf die deutsche und europäische Energie- und Klimapolitik. Und zur Frage, ob Kernkraftwerke russisches Erdgas ersetzen sollten.
Kernkraftwerke russisches Erdgas ersetzen sollten. 23.03.2022 © Plainpicture / Sam