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Distributional effects of the Australian Renewable Energy Target (RET) through wholesale and retail electricity price impacts |

The Australian Renewable Energy Target (RET) has spurred significant investment in renewable electricity generation, notably wind power, over the past decade. This paper considers distributional implications of the RET for different energy users. Using time-series regression, we show that the increasing amount of wind energy has placed considerable downward pressure on wholesale electricity prices through the so-called merit order effect. On the other hand, RET costs are passed on to consumers in the form of retail electricity price premiums. Our findings highlight likely significant redistributive transfers between different energy user classes under current RET arrangements. In particular, some energy-intensive industries are benefiting from lower wholesale electricity prices whilst being largely exempted from contributing to the costs of the scheme. By contrast, many households are paying significant RET pass through costs whilst not necessarily benefiting from lower wholesale prices. A more equitable dist
Johanna Cludius Senior Researcher Energie & Klimaschutz Sam Forrest Iain

EU land and forests can help EU be more ambitious on climate, new study shows |

As the ratification process for the Paris Agreement begins, a new study shows how the EU’s new policy on land and forests is essential to curb climate change given the Commission’s reluctance to increase climate targets.
At the same time, the EU must do much more to cut greenhouse gases.

CO2 emission standards for cars and vans: the difficult switch from one test procedure (NEDC) to another (WLTP) |

The update of the CO2 emission standards for cars and vans for the post-2020 period is currently being negotiated. Peter Kasten discusses the switch from a NEDC to a WLTP based regulation scheme and how it could affect the effective real-world emission reduction.
components’ settings to minimize NEDC emission values, which does not translate into the same

EU-Agrarpolitik: Endlich die „Förderpraxis der Zerstörung“ ändern/EU agricultural policy: A change to destructive funding practices is long overdue [deu/eng] |

Die Geschäftsführerin des Öko-Instituts kommentiert, warum die derzeitige Neuverhandlung der EU-Agrarsubventionen nicht zum Klimaschutz beitragen wird. Und welche elf Maßnahmen das ändern würden.
from the atmosphere and make progress on protecting nature and biodiversity at the same

Wald |

Die Bewirtschaftung der Wälder steht oftmals im Konflikt mit anspruchsvollem Natur- und Klimaschutz. Mit der Lösung dieses Konflikts im Sinne einer schonenderen, nachhaltigen Waldnutzung befassen sich die Wissenschaftler*innen des Öko-Instituts.
At the same time, however, forests themselves can be carbon stores and help to reduce