Klimabalkon | Stadt Linz https://www.linz.at/umwelt/klimabalkon.php
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Geben Sie die Samen auf die Erde, drücken Sie die Samen leicht an und befeuchten
pART Kooperation mit KünstlerInnen des Atelierhaus Salzamt Katharina Lackner und Sam
pART Kooperation mit KünstlerInnen des Atelierhaus Salzamt Katharina Lackner und Sam
Building an urban settlement for 3.000 – 4.000 people in the immediate proximity of a sensitive, unique natural landscape requires careful and meticulous planning.
could be exerted on the sensitive alluvial forests along the Traun river and at the same
On 10 March 1999 it was exactly 500 years to the day since Emperor Friedrich III first officially confirmed Linz as capital city of the province in a document. Linz celebrated this half a millennium with more than 170 events.
also the extension of the event centre Posthof was celebrated in the fall of the same
In the 1970s there was a wave of cultural initiatives and association that were founded in Upper Austria.
The aim was the same then as now: to vitalise and to promote contemporary culture
The Home Show, Ausstellung im Atelierhaus Salzamt Linz, The Home Show kreist ums Thema Zuhause und entwickelt unterschiedliche Betrachtungsweisen zu Raum, Material und Emotion.
Krenn, Lathos, Carl Palm, Prinzgau Podgorschek, Telmo Rui Romao, Lene Sheperd by Sam
More than 30 projects developed and realized by over 2000 artists: from 28 August to 4 October 1998 the European Culture Month drew over 400,000 visitors to unusual venues in Linz with contemporary art and culture work.
(local) contemporary art and culture work from 28 August to 4 October – at the same
In 1977 Linz captured attention far beyond the borders of Austria with an „artistic drum roll“:
At the same time, the material choice highlighted the importance of metal for the
1294 homes subsidised by the Province of Upper Austria and the entire infrastructure were planned and constructed between 1992 and 2005
pressure on the sensitive alluvial forest area along the Traun river and at the same
The Linz City – The Most Attractive Shopping Center in Upper Austria
selection of products – while enjoying the special atmosphere of the city at the same