Jewish Museum Berlinmemory Archives – Page 3 of 26 – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים
in contrast to the term “occupation,” which is still used sometimes, and at the same
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in contrast to the term “occupation,” which is still used sometimes, and at the same
Eine Licht- und Klanginstallation von Mischa Kuball im Jüdischen Museum Berlin
Sassoon, Aoi Swimming, Jens Standke, Dietmar Bonnen, Arturo Sezmer & Lorenzo Lagrava, Sam
in contrast to the term “occupation,” which is still used sometimes, and at the same
Nach der Ankunft in der Schule laden die Vermittler*innen gemeinsam mit den Schüler
Die Lernplattform für Jewish Places des Jüdischen Museums Berlin wird mit dem Deutschen Preis für Kulturelle Bildung ausgezeichnet
gegen Fremdenfeindlichkeit, Rassismus und Intoleranz sowie durch eine Spende von Sam
Vom 15. bis 19. April geht das Jüdische Museum Berlin (JMB) in Rhein land-Pfalz und im Saar land mit der neuen mobilen Aus stellung und beglei tenden Themen-Work shops auf Tournee: Jeweils drei aus gebildete Ver mittler*innen fahren mit dem Tour bus drei verschie dene Schulen an und besuchen siebte bis elfte Klassen. Station machen sie in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, in Kastellaun und in Saarbrücken (Dudweiler).
10969 Berlin Nach der Ankunft in der Schule laden die Vermittler*innen gemeinsam
I’m not sure what time it is, but it’s already light out. My alarm clock will go off soon. My eyes are already open – the sky is its usual grey. In the space behind my eyes, arguments are going around and around – legal, religious, social, and medical. My tongue doesn’t move but my …
And it happens in this same spirit, again and again.
Blog posts on the series of events on “New German Stories” where, with the aid of individual biographies, the Jewish Museum Berlin examines Germany’s historical and current status as an immigration society.
in contrast to the term “occupation,” which is still used sometimes, and at the same
Last round (for now) for the art vending machine It is one of our museum’s little success stories: this year will see the art vending machine’s fifth (and, for now, last) tour of duty in the permanent exhibition. After five years “Art from the Vending Machine” will have sold over 12,250 works. Maren Krüger, curator …
Raz points out, “good forever” — meaning it will maintain its form — but at the same
“How does a kippah stay on?” Our current special exhibition “The Whole Truth… everything you always wanted to know about Jews” is based on 30 questions posed to the Jewish Museum Berlin or its staff over the past few years. In the exhibition, visitors have their own opportunity to ask questions or to leave comments …
You could use the same faulty logic to say, “why do you people think it’s ok to call