Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Samen

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Jewish Museum Berlin“I see a land bright and clear, and the time’s comin’ near When we’ll live in this land, you and me…“ – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

Pessach is approaching – the festival of exodus and freedom. This year, there is less talk of having the festive meal at large community gatherings. It is obvious, although unspoken, that smaller gatherings in the home make more sense. We are becoming alienated from our community centers through fear. Keep a low profile. Don’t speak …
We have the same heated discussion that our grandparents had in 1935.

Jewish Museum BerlinConfident Women in Veils – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

The Italian Writer Elena Loewenthal Reflects on Strong Jewish Women in the Torah The current exhibition Cherchez la Femme, which explores religious dress codes for women from women’s perspectives, remains on display until 27 August (more about the exhibition on our website). When I first found out the exhibition’s theme, I immediately thought of the …
In her case, the veil does serve to conceal but at the same time to seduce.

Jewish Museum BerlinHappy Moments for a Curator Ilse Bing’s Photograph “New York—The Elevated and Me” – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

A self-portrait shot by Ilse Bing on her first trip to New York in 1936 has been imprinted on my mind’s eye for a very long time. The image was up for sale only twice in the last twenty years. On the first occasion, in 2009, a vintage print went at auction for the princely …
That same year she purchased a Leica—at the time a revolutionary 35mm camera—which

Jewish Museum BerlinHappy Moments for a Curator Ilse Bing’s Photograph “New York—The Elevated and Me” – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

A self-portrait shot by Ilse Bing on her first trip to New York in 1936 has been imprinted on my mind’s eye for a very long time. The image was up for sale only twice in the last twenty years. On the first occasion, in 2009, a vintage print went at auction for the princely …
That same year she purchased a Leica—at the time a revolutionary 35mm camera—which

Jewish Museum BerlinThe Art Vending Machine Gets an Extended Run with “Glass Interiors” by Daniel Wiesenfeld – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים

The last few weeks, while people everywhere were sizzling in the summer sun, Daniel Wiesenfeld was ‘baking’ a hundred new works of art for our art vending machine. What good luck, meanwhile, that the machine is nearly sold out! Daniel is presenting the Jewish Museum Berlin with what is already the third series of works …
of the series “A bed, a chair, a table,” Daniel created an installation of the same