Jewish Museum Berlindigitalization Archives – Blogerim בלוגרים – Blogerim בלוגרים
detail and well-chosen catchwords to help visitors find other objects related to the same
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detail and well-chosen catchwords to help visitors find other objects related to the same
Then everyone would have the same amount.”
The 14th European Maccabi Games (EMG) are taking place in Berlin from 27 July until 5 August 2015. More than 2,000 Jewish athletes from 36 countries will compete in 19 sports from football to fencing to chess. To accompany the games Tamar Lewinsky and Theresia Ziehe are producing a series of portraits with interviews, introducing …
We’re writing history while at the same time starting a new history with modern Judaism
Our guide Marc Wrasse talks to Blogerim about the special reactions of pupils on guided tours through the exhibition Welcome to Jerusalem.
However, it’s always clear: these are stones from the same mountain, the holy city
17 songs on “Mix Tape” came into being over the last twenty years plus and – the same
detail and well-chosen catchwords to help visitors find other objects related to the same
Die Stipendiatin Yael Reuveny und ihr Forschungsprojekt
Israel geborene und aufgewachsene Yael Reuveny absolvierte 2005 ihr Studium an der Sam
Workshop des Jüdischen Museum Berlin
Dazu sehen wir uns die neu entwickelten Videos gemeinsam an und gehen im Anschluss
Our guide Marc Wrasse talks to Blogerim about the special reactions of pupils on guided tours through the exhibition Welcome to Jerusalem.
However, it’s always clear: these are stones from the same mountain, the holy city
Aus guten Ideen entstehen großartige Projekte
die Tatsache, dass die frühen Rabbiner keineswegs prüde waren, sondern gemeinsam