please help me – Englisch Forum – Englisch lernen und üben
1 to i = 4850:1 in a stage possible (depending upon size) several teeth at the same
Meintest du sagen?
1 to i = 4850:1 in a stage possible (depending upon size) several teeth at the same
* I got the same car than he (does). – Ich habe dasselbe Auto wir er. * I really
Is it the same? And how is the apprenticeship?
So – you see – they have a term meaning the exact same as „Vokabel“ in English but
So Komödie and Comedy are not the same, huh? LOL.
They are person from the same camp they have actually the same goals and didn’t like
But when I am in London I am very nervous that’s why I always do the same mistakes
pleasure in answering thus prominently the communication below, expressing at the same
Today, women work in many of the same jobs that men do.
I first thought you were my aunt who wants to learn English since you have the same