question about phrase, „in den Gehirnen“ – Englisch Forum – Englisch lernen und üben
sentence, from around 1919, is it possible the speaker is using Gehirnen in the same
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sentence, from around 1919, is it possible the speaker is using Gehirnen in the same
synonyms of the words you already know so that you know when different words bear the same
But it’s still the same sentence IMO. 3 – I’d say „who’d correct my mistakes“ 4 –
Both sheep gave the same message to their fellows: wolves were just like sheep, for
I hope that I can help you all with your English and, at the same time, improve my
However, I have to say, that the same thing crossed my mind as well but I thought
The same rules apply from the Forum with the exception of slang, which is allowed
just can’t find the right words to it in english cause it doesn’t translate to the same
I have the same problem like you. Sometimes it’s difficult to express myself.