question about a use of „wie“ – Englisch Forum – Englisch lernen und üben, treiben, drive and drift all derive from the same Germanic root drifan
Meintest du sagen?
Incidentally, treiben, drive and drift all derive from the same Germanic root drifan
Because German is part of the same language family as English I would expect it to
Ben himself stays at a boarding school called Castle High, the same one his father
I will take the same topic. I beginning now an E-Kurs.
So, if you have the same problems and just need somebody to write to about all and
Feb 2006 23:15 I see… you’ve got the same problems I have to deal with.
We both have the same goals. I have never been in Frankfurt.
So the people of Europe might not see themselves as European, but in the very same
[didn’t do it / didn’t steal the money] Sam: He probably did, if he’s breaking into
finde den zweiten nur etwas seltsam formuliert mit „equals“ ich fände „uses the same