Bernhard Walter | Brot für die Welt
Blog Die Zahl der Hungernden steigt weiter an 27.09.2018 | Bernhard Walter The same
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Blog Die Zahl der Hungernden steigt weiter an 27.09.2018 | Bernhard Walter The same
organisiert, viele Scanner, überschaubare Schlange, Sicherheitspersonal ist nett) Same
Launched at the UN Climate Change Conference in late 2016, the NDC Partnership’s objective is to assist developing countries to deliver on their NDCs and…
Climate-damaging and unsustainable investment and subsidies must be phased out at the same
At the same time, the program valorizes and includes women, the principal responsible
At the European elections on 9 June, EU-citizens have the right and the opportunity, to influence the composition of the European Parliament and therefore also…
At the same time, European policy can claim credibility in the world only if it puts
Mining and extractives are topics of heated debate in the South and in the discussion on the role of the business sector in financing development and creating…
number of similar court cases on land rights of traditional communities go in the same
At the same time, however, the Caribbean and Pacific countries themselves discussed
Wenn der „Arabische Frühling” Frucht tragen soll, müssen unbedingt stabile demokratische Gesellschaften entstehen, sonst könnte er sich leicht in einen…
November fand im Kloster von Saint Sam’an El Kharaz eine große ökumenische Gebetswache
In a new publication „Africa Renewable Energy Initiative For Africa: African Civil Society Organizations Perspective“, the African Coalition for Sustainable…
In light of the increasing electricity demand and, at the same time, the need to