Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Richard Wagner

Smilodon fatalis – Florida Vertebrate Fossils

Smilodon fatalis Quick Facts Common Names: saber-tooth cat (or sabertooth cat), sabercat Smilodon fatalis had a body mass ranging from 350 to 600 pounds, similar in weight to the modern Siberian tiger. Fossils of Smilodon fatalis are not particularly common in Florida, but there have been ma
Smilodon floridanus and is on public display at the Wagner

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Aepycamelus major – Florida Vertebrate Fossils

Aepycamelus major Quick Facts Common Name: Leidy’s giraffe camel The giraffe camels of the Miocene of North America and the true giraffes of Africa represent a great example of convergent evolution. It had an estimated shoulder height of at least 13 feet, plus an additional 5 to 6 feet for t
Sources Original Author(s): Richard C.

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Cormohipparion ingenuum – Florida Vertebrate Fossils

Cormohipparion ingenuum Quick Facts Common Name: Noble Hipparion Cormohipparion ingenuum was the first species of horse to be named from Florida. Given its long, narrow muzzle and relatively short-crowned teeth, Cormohipparion ingenuum most likely fed on a mix of browse and green, fresh gr
Sources Original Author(s): Richard C.

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Teleoceras proterum – Florida Vertebrate Fossils

Teleoceras proterum Quick Facts Common Name: Archer short-legged rhino The mounted skeleton on display at the Florida Museum of Natural History (see image) was constructed as part of a „live“ public display during the late 1970s using fossils from both the McGehee Farm and Love Bone Bed loc
Sources Original Authors: Arianna Harrington, Richard

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Mixson’s Bone Bed – Florida Vertebrate Fossils

Mixson’s Bone Bed University of Florida Vertebrate Fossil Locality LV009 Location About 1.8 miles (2.9 km) northeast of Williston, Levy County, Florida; 29.41° N, 82.43° W. Age Late Miocene Epoch; early Hemphillian (Hemphillian 1) land mammal age About 8 to 9 million years old (estim
Sources Original Author(s): Richard C.

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Pomatodelphis inaequalis – Florida Vertebrate Fossils

Pomatodelphis inaequalis Quick Facts Common Name: none Pomatodelphis inaequalis is believed to be a type of river dolphin and likely had a wide salinity tolerance, living in nearshore marine and estuarine environments with the ability to travel up low salinity streams. Because of their sma
Completion Date: December 6, 2012 Editor(s) Name(s): Richard

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Checklist of Parc Macaya Vascular Plants – University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS)

by Joel C. Timyan and Walter S. Judd This checklist is primarily based on specimens on deposit in the University of Florida Herbarium (FLAS) and selected specimens cited or known to be on deposit at other herbaria (e.g., EHH, JBSD, S). Status: Native; Intro=non-native HI=island endemic
Wagner No Native Lycopodiaceae Phlegmariurus filiformis

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Bibliography – Invertebrate Zoology

Three treatises published during the 19th Century summarized the non — marine molluscan fauna of Mexico and Central America known at that time. Herman Strebel. 1873. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Fauna mexikanischer Land — und Süsswasser — Conchylien. Theil I: 1 — 69. 1875, Theil II: 1 — 58. 1878, Th
Wagner, A. J. 1905. Helicininstudien.

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