Jonathan Gershenzon honored with Silver Medal of the International Society of Chemical Ecology
Martin Kaltenpoth appointed honorary professor at Friedrich Schiller University
Martin Kaltenpoth appointed honorary professor at Friedrich Schiller University
Martin Kaltenpoth appointed honorary professor at Friedrich Schiller University
Martin Kaltenpoth appointed honorary professor at Friedrich Schiller University
Martin Kaltenpoth appointed honorary professor at Friedrich Schiller University
Martin Kaltenpoth appointed honorary professor at Friedrich Schiller University
Die Larve der Ameisenjungfer injiziert ein komplexes Giftgemisch in ihre Beutetiere, das sich in Zusammensetzung und Wirksamkeit vom Gift der verwandten Florfliegenlarve unterscheidet und die spezielle Ökologie der Art widerspiegelt.
Andreas Vilcinskas Professor +49 641 99-37600 Andreas.Vilcinskas@…
Die Larve der Ameisenjungfer injiziert ein komplexes Giftgemisch in ihre Beutetiere, das sich in Zusammensetzung und Wirksamkeit vom Gift der verwandten Florfliegenlarve unterscheidet und die spezielle Ökologie der Art widerspiegelt.
Andreas Vilcinskas Professor +49 641 99-37600 Andreas.Vilcinskas@…
Antlions inject a complex venom mixture into its prey, which differs in composition and effectiveness from the venom of related green lacewing larvae and reflects the specific ecology of the species.
Andreas Vilcinskas Professor +49 641 99-37600 Andreas.Vilcinskas@…
Antlions inject a complex venom mixture into its prey, which differs in composition and effectiveness from the venom of related green lacewing larvae and reflects the specific ecology of the species.
Andreas Vilcinskas Professor +49 641 99-37600 Andreas.Vilcinskas@…
An endophytic fungus of the genus Cladosporium fungus which lives inside the leaves of black poplar, not only increases the production of defensive substances in the trees, but also produces an alkaloid itself that protects the trees from feeding damage.
Interactions“ group at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology and has been a professor