Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Professor

Informal Meeting of EU Trade Ministers in Berlin: Open markets and free trade are the driving forces – EU2020 – EN

On 21 September, EU ministers responsible for trade convened for an informal meeting in Berlin. The meeting within the framework of Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the EU was chaired by German Minister for Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier.
Professor Gabriel Felbermayr (Kiel Institute for the World Economy) spoke about the

Virtuelle informelle Tagung der EU-Verkehrsministerinnen und -minister: Passauer Erklärung stellt Weichen für digitale Mobilität – EU2020 – DE

Am 29. Oktober sind die EU-Verkehrsministerinnen- und Minister unter Vorsitz von Bundesverkehrsminister Scheuer zu einer virtuellen informellen Tagung zusammengekommen. Mit der Passauer Erklärung – dem Smart Deal for Mobility –  soll Mobilität in Europa nachhaltig, sicher und effizient werden.
Einblicke gibt es auch von Astronaut Alexander Gerst und Professor Matthias Nießner

Virtual Informal Meeting of EU transport ministers: Passau Declaration lays groundwork for digital mobility in Europe – EU2020 – EN

On 29 October, EU transport ministers met for a Virtual Informal Meeting chaired by Federal Minister of Transport Andreas Scheuer. The Passau Declaration – the „Smart Deal for Mobility“ – aims to make mobility in Europe sustainable, safe and efficient.
Other insights will be given by astronaut Dr Alexander Gerst and Professor Matthias

Monika Grütters: “We must strengthen media pluralism in times of crisis in particular.” – EU2020DE – EN – EU2020 – EN

Minister of State for Culture and the Media Monika Grütters today launched a series of digital conferences on EU media policy that will take place under the auspices of Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the EU. The series title is “Pluralism and Responsibility: Media in a Digital Society”.
Professor Grütters said: During crises like the one we are currently in, plural

Tell Me About Europe project starts today in Prague – EU2020 – EN

Organised by the Goethe-Institut, Tell Me About Europe is a series of events, during which older Europeans share their memories and invite intergenerational debate. The project is part of the cultural programme of Germany’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. 
Stamać, who was born in 1942, linguist Aida Alagić, journalist Nora Sefa and history professor

Rede von Außenminister Maas vor den französischen Botschafterinnen und Botschaftern: Die EU hat sich und der Welt bewiesen, was Solidarität bedeutet – EU2020 – DE

Lieber Jean-Yves, Minister, Staatssekretäre, Exzellenzen, meine Damen und Herren Botschafter, liebe Freundinnen und Freunde, lieber Jean-Yves, Du hättest mir ruhig ein Trikot von Paris…
Als ich in Saarbrücken begonnen habe zu studieren, hat unser Professor uns einen

Speech by Foreign Minister Maas regarding the Ambassadors Conference of the French Republic: EU has shown itself and the world the meaning of solidarity – EU2020 – EN

My friend Jean-Yves, Ministers, State Secretaries, Excellencies, Ambassadors, Friends, My friend Jean-Yves, You could actually have given me a Paris Saint-Germain shirt. After all, their defeat in…
When I started university in Saarbrücken, our professor recommended we visit the