Poromera fordii – bibliography https://www.lacerta.de/AS/Bibliografie.php?Genus=37&Species=150&Taxon=1
country, West Africa, recently presented to the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
country, West Africa, recently presented to the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
types of Hallowell`s West African species in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
country, West Africa, recently presented to the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
(New York: Area of Hempstead on Long Island; Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania: Philadelphia
Zo zijn er populaties bekend in Tunesië, Spanje en zelfs in de USA (Philadelphia,
. – Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1862: 189-191
types of Hallowell`s West African species in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
. – Bulletin of the Philadelphia Herpetological Society, 12: 29-34.
types of Hallowell`s West African species in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
types of Hallowell`s West African species in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia