Dein Suchergebnis zum Thema: Philadelphia

USA vor der Wahl: Tim Walz als Running Mate

Mit der Wahl von Tim Walz als Vizepräsidentschaftskandidat setzt Kamala Harris auf einen erfahrenen Politiker mit einer bodenständigen Ausstrahlung. Im Gegensatz dazu steht Donald Trumps Entscheidung für J.D. Vance, die eine Botschaft der Unabhängigkeit von parteiinternen Erwartungen sendet. Während Walz vor allem Wähler in den Swing States des Mittleren Westens ansprechen soll, bleibt die Frage offen: Wird dieses Duo die entscheidende Mehrheit für die Demokraten gewinnen können?
Harris und ihr Vize Tim Walz bei ihrer ersten gemeinsam Wahlkampfveranstaltung in Philadelphia

North America | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The North America Regional Office in Washington, D.C. is composed of two pillar programs. The Transatlantic Dialogue Program fosters political dialogue among political, business, scientific and cultural multipliers from the US, Canada and Germany and develops innovative liberal approaches and solutions to transatlantic issues. The World Order and Globalization Hub fosters dialogue among political, business and scientific multipliers by encouraging increased mutual understanding within the global economic landscape. Both initiatives seek to facilitate a transfer of knowledge among experts in order to make a worldwide contribution to social and economic progress.  DE
German Free Democratic Party (FDP) travelled to Washington, DC, and Harrisburg, Philadelphia

North America | Friedrich Naumann Foundation

The North America Regional Office in Washington, D.C. is composed of two pillar programs. The Transatlantic Dialogue Program fosters political dialogue among political, business, scientific and cultural multipliers from the US, Canada and Germany and develops innovative liberal approaches and solutions to transatlantic issues. The World Order and Globalization Hub fosters dialogue among political, business and scientific multipliers by encouraging increased mutual understanding within the global economic landscape. Both initiatives seek to facilitate a transfer of knowledge among experts in order to make a worldwide contribution to social and economic progress.  DE
German Free Democratic Party (FDP) travelled to Washington, DC, and Harrisburg, Philadelphia

Hacking Democracy: Hacking Democracy Conference: Examples of Collaboration between Civic Tech Communities and Governments Around the World

Have you thought about how the people and governments can to co-create or optimize digital services together? Register for 2023 Hacking Democracy Conference to explore successful cases around the world! The Conference will be on Oct 27, 2023, GMT 8:00-11:00am (GMT+8 16:00-19:00), online via webex.
She studied political science in Berlin, Philadelphia and Singapore.